price of immortality

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Celestia touched her horn to the diamond. The moment her horn touched the diamond it moved aside. Once the diamond was out of the way Celestia lead the group into the room.

Twilight upon entering the room gasped. There in the middle of the room was a crystal table piled high with all sorts of meat.

Luna seeing the look on Twilight's face said, "Twilight, for us to be immortal once a year on the day of the Grand Galloping Gala we must meet here to eat meat. Every immortal does this, even Cadance. She did hers during the gala this year. I know it will seem evil, but it is the only way."

Twilight seeing for the first time the true price of immortality looked at every pony and said,"I understand now why you keep this a secret. It disgusts me to eat meat. However there is something that disgusts me even more. That would be the thought of me dieing. So I accept these consequences for I can not bear to leave Rose without her true love."

Celestia smiling proudly said,"In that case welcome to the family Twilight Sparkle Galaxia. I'm so proud of all the choices you made."

As every pony sat down to eat Emerald camewalking through the door. However she stoped short upon seeing Twilight there.

Emerald looked to Celestia and said,"Mother, what is Twilight doing here? I thought this was supposed to be secret. But you risk it by inviting my daughter's fiancee. What are you thinking?"

Celestia, Luna, Rose, and Twilight looked up to see Emerald more angry than ever. Luna took a deep breath and said,"Emerald, earlier tonight Twilight asked me to marry her and Rose in the Astral Planes. After that Celestia and I had no choice but to explain everything to her. Once we finished explaining everything she still wanted to marry Rose. I have never seen in all my years a stronger love. So to prevent Rose from eventually having to bury Twilight when she died we revealed the true price of immortality."

Luna paused to take a breath before she continued,"Anyway once we revealed the truth she said and I quote, 'It disgusts me to eat meat. However there is something that disgusts me even more. That would be the thought of me dieing. So I accept these consequences for I can not bear to leave Rose without her true love.' After that we sat down to eat when you arrived."

Emerald after hearing what happened said,"Well in that case I am sorry for my attitude. Welcome to the family, Twilight. May you forever be happy."

Twilight got up and gave Emerald a hug and said,"Emerald, thank you for accepting me into the family. You have no idea what this means to me."

As twilight took her seat everypony started to eat. After Twilight took her first bite of meat she gasped.

Everypony upon hearing the gasp looked at Twilight while Rose said,"Twilight, what's wrong?"

Twilight said,"Rose, it turns out that I love the taste of meat. I'm shocked because it tastes like heaven. I thought it would be disgusting."

Everypony but Twilight laughed while Celestia said,"Twilight, meat is like any other food. It can taste good or bad based on how it is cooked. What you just ate is called a bacon cheeseburger. It is seasoned cow but not the sentient ones you know of."

Twilight looked at all the different meat and asked,"Celestia, what would happen if we ate meat outside of the day of the gala?"

Luna solemnly answered,"Twilight, it is of the utmost importance that you understand what I'm about to say. There were two immortals who tried to eat meat outside of today. They were are parents. However when they took a bite of meat outside of today they tried to eat each other. It was a miracle Celestia and I were able to stop them."

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