Celestia and Luna's confession

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Rose takes one of the two necklaces and puts it on. Twilight did the same.

Rose gently placed her hoof on Twilight's shoulder, taking in a deep breath. "Twilight, I know I had the evening all planned out but do you mind if we call it a night? I have a lot to think about. I should be myself by tomorrow. So what do you say to breakfast at my house?"

Twilight hearing the worry in her marefriend's voice wraps her hooves around Rose, holding the mare tightly. Twilight smiles. "That sounds lovely my, Rose. However no matter what your heritage is I love you for who you are. Not for who your family is my sweet, Rose."

Rose smiled, placing her hoof around Twilight. They walked home together, the stars shone brightly; illuminating the ground.

After some time they see Twilight's castle ahead of them. As they got closer Twilight and Rose were shocked to see both Princess Celestia and Princess Luna standing in front of the castle with worried looks on their faces.

Rose's eyes went wide when she spotted the Princesses; she hid behind Twilight's wings. Inhale, exhale, deep breaths, Rose was wheezing badly.

Twilight felt Rose shaking against her feathers, she placed her hoof on Rose's mane. Twilight took in a deep breath, and cast a telepathy spell over herself and Rose. Twilight says, through the spell,"Rose, I know you are scared right now. But you need to calm down or you will pass out. Just let me know what you want to say and I will say it for you."

Rose took in a deep breath; she looked out from Twilight's wings. " Okay, Twilight. I,I...I don't want to talk to Celestia right now..."

Twilight smiled. "Just think it, and I'll say it."

Rose leaned close to Twilight as they approached the Princesses.

Twilight cleared her throat. "Celestia and Luna we need to talk in the throne room now. I assume you know why? Or is it more lies this time?"

Neither of them said anything. Luna looked away, not making eye contact with Rose. Twilight placed her hoof around Rose, pulling the mare in close. Her eyes were pointed and fierce.

Celestia broke the silence. "Actually Twilight Luna and I are here to explain everything to Rose. Including her heritage and her grandpa. For Rose is not the first in her family to change gender because of a burst of magic."

Twilight struggled for a response. "Well, I uh, I-I, uh, well..."

Rose nuzzled Twilight's neck. Rose thought, Twilight, let's hear what they have to say.

Twilight nodded; leading the Princesses inside, and to the throne room. Upon entry three new thrones appeared, each one with a cutie mark. The two directly across from Twilight had Celestia and Luna's cutie mark, while the one on Twilight's right hoof had Rose's cutie mark.

Twilight took in a deep breath before speaking. "Rose, trusts me to speak on her behalf; in order to avoid any lies, I want to cast a truth spell on the both of you."

Celestia and Luna look at each other momentarily, then nod at Twilight. The purple alicorn lit up her horn, blasting Celestia and Luna with a magic beam. Light danced in front of their eyes, they shook their heads, regaining clarity.

Ask Celestia why she never told me she was my grandmother. And if my mom knows that she's her daughter. Rose thought.

Twilight said, "Celestia, Rose wants to know why you never told her that you're her grandmother? And why didn't you tell her even after I showed you what her father did to her? Lastly she wants to know if her mother knows that she is your daughter?"

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