confessions of the heart

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Applejack is an orange-coated earth pony mare with a blonde mane and three apples for a cutie mark. Applejack was coming home after a long day of selling apples in Ponyville. She had just about reached the gates of the farm when she saw a badly hurt Pegasus passed out and bleeding in front of her. Applejack was so surprised that she yelled " Big Mac hurry i need your help. There is a badly hurt Pegasus out here. By the looks of it it was stabbed."

Big Mac is a red-coated earth pony stallion with grey eyes, with an orange mane and a macintosh apple for a cutie mark. Big Mac realizing the panic in his sister's voice ran as fast as he could to help. Over the next fifteen minutes they worked together and finally they got the Pegasus stallion in the guest room.

"Big Mac I need you to watch him while I go to the hospital and get a doctor who can help. Please make sure he doesn't die," says Applejack receiving a reassuring nod.

Half an hour later Applejack returns with a doctor at her side. After the doctor bandaged the stab wound, Relocated his front right hoof which made Applejack flinch and put both wings in a cast she signaled for Applejack to come with her. Once Applejack was in the hall the doctor says "Well i have done all i can but he isn't out of the woods yet. His injuries if you hadn't got me so soon would've killed him. I would suggest that you keep an eye on him."

"I will doctor Caring Heart. But i need to know. What are his chances? How bad is the stab wound? I need you to tell me the truth," says Applejack looking worried.

Doctor Caring Heart was a white-coated unicorn mare with a green mane and yellow eyes with a stethoscope for a cutie mark. Doctor Caring Heart looked down at her hooves and says " I would say his chances of living are fifty-fifty. The stab wound to the chest is the most risky. Mainly because it weakened the muscles in his heart. His wings are badly broken. However even when they heal he may never be able to fly without great pain. I am so sorry."

"He is really in that bad a condition? I wonder who or what could've happened to him," says Applejack as the doctor nods and leaves.

As Applejack returns to the guest room she sees Big Mac come out. Applejack seeing the worried look on her brothers face says "The doctor says she has done all she can. You should go get some rest now. I will watch over him. If he gets worse i will let you know."

Big mac nods as he leaves wondering what had happened.

As Applejack returns to the guest room she heard her guest say so clearly that she thought he was awake " I'm so so sorry Twilight. Please forgive me."

As Soon as she heard that she wrote a letter to Twilight saying " Dear Twilight. I thought you should know that as soon as I got to the gates of mah farm I found a Pegasus colt with a pitch-black coat, blue eyes and a yellow mane. It appears he was stabbed in the ribs and both his wings are broken. His hoof was dislocated but Caring Heart relocated it. You should know that he is alright for now. Also he said the name Twilight in his sleep. I don't know if the Twilight he said was you or not but i thought you should know. Your good friend Applejack."

Once the letter was done she sealed it as her little sister Applebloom entered the room. Applebloom was a light brown earth pony filly with red mane, topaz eyes, and a big pink bow in her hair. When she saw her little sister she says " Hey Applebloom. I need you to deliver this letter to Twilight as soon as possible. It is very important that she gets it."

"Of course sis. It'll be delivered before you can say zap apple jam harvest ten times fast," says Applebloom taking the letter and runs as fast as she can to Twilight's castle. Arriving there ten minutes later.

Twilight was in her room doing what she does best studying when she heard pounding on the front door. Hurrying to see what was wrong Twilight ran to the front doors opening them. As soon as Twilight saw the look on Applebloom's face she knew something was wrong.

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