wedding day

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With the flower girls decided Rose and Twilight went to see Pinkie Pie along with Mr. and Mrs. Cake about the cake for the wedding. When they arrived at Sugarcube Corner they saw Pinkie Pie standing outside with a smile a mile wide on her face as she bounced up and down.

Twilight looked at Pinkie Pie and said "Pinkie, Rose and I are here to discuss the cake and pre-wedding party. We would like the cake to have fifty different flavors and for it to be twice as tall as Celestia. Just know that the party can't last longer than 10 pm. Because Rose and I will need our rest for the wedding.Finally, do to an ancient Equestrian law for any royal to get married the ponies must not see their fiancee for forty-eight hours prior to the wedding. This is done so that any love spells can expire."

Pinkie's hair deflates a little as she said "That means I can't do just one bachelorette party. Darn it."

Rose knowing just how to cheer Pinkie up said "your right Pinkie. You get to throw not one but two parties. You see there is good news."

Pinkie Pie upon hearing the news cheered up and said "You're right Rose. Thank you for pointing that out."

"No problem Pinkie. After all, I consider you and the girls as my sisters. Especially Applejack. If it wasn't for her I would've died when my dad stabbed me. I don't know how I'll ever repay her for all she has done." said Rose looking at her wife to be.

Over the next four months, everypony was busy planning the wedding. Finally, it was three days before the wedding. Rose and Twilight separate to go spend time with their families. Rose went to Celestia and Luna to talk about the future and to learn about her grandfather.

Twilight went to her parent's house for her party planned by Pinkie Pie. As she entered the house she saw Pinkie had gone all out. Along one side of the house was a dance floor with DJ pon3 playing her music while ponies danced. On the other side was all her favorite foods. While in another room was all types of games. Over the course of the night, Twilight came to realize that she couldn't wait for the wedding.

The next day it was Rose's turn for her party. Rose's party was similar to Twilight's. The only difference was that light classical music was being played by Octavia. The food was provided by the Apple family. Rose like Twilight also came to realize that she too couldn't wait for the following day. Rose awoke the next day to hear a knock at the door. She opens the door to see Rarity standing there with a brush, her wedding dress and Aloe and Vera the two top spa ponies of Ponyville.

Rose let's the two spa ponies and Rarity in. Over the next two hours Rose had her hooves buffed and polished with a light pink hoof polish, her mane washed and styled and after a light brunch put on her dress. The dress is a light pink silk with a dark purple trim at the edge. It also had Twilight's cutie mark over her heart. Once she had her dress on she saw Celestia come through the door.

Celestia looked at Rose and crying said "Rose, you look absolutely gorgeous. I brought you something to wear during the wedding." Celestia used her magic to pull out an ancient crown with sapphires built in. she hoofed it to Rose and said "This belonged to my mother. She wore it to her wedding as did I and your mother. Now it is your turn, my granddaughter."

Rarity takes the crown and places it just right on Rose's head and the connected the wedding veil to it.Once they were in place she takes a look at her handiwork and said "Now you look perfect Morning Rose. I have to go get Twilight ready but I'll see you later." with everything said Rarity heads out to the other side of the castle.

Twilight was in her room at the castle having a minor panic attack. When she heard a knock on the door she stopped breathing and squeaked out "Come in." When the door opened she saw Rarity and began to calm down. Behind Rarity were Aloe and Vera. Upon seeing Rarity Twilight said, " I assume it's time Rarity."

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