prophecy, messages and gifts

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"Rose, Twilight there is something you should know. My husband foresaw that a powerful enemy will come through the portal and attack us. The enemy will come from earth and is called Kailomar. He will absorb Luna and my magic that it will change him from a pony into a creature we have never heard of. He will have the strength of a hundred thousand bears, the speed of a thousand cheetahs, the combined intelligence of a hundred gods, the hearing of a hundred owls and the smell of a thousand dogs. His body will have the claws of a griffon, eagle wings, a unicorn horn, a snake for a tail, ears like a pony, nose of a wolf and teeth like a shark." said Celestia taking a break.

Luna taking over said "My brother also said that both of you are the only ones to eat him. How we do not know. However, it will happen exactly three years from today at four in the afternoon. We don't know for sure but there is a good chance you will both die. I wish Celestia and I could help but by the time you get here we will already have our magic and strength absorbed by him. Star Swirl also foresaw that you will have two two-year-old foals when you fight him. One will be a colt and the other a filly. Your colt will be jealous of his sister for he will want to be a filly. Mainly because he will never remember you and never feel comfortable as a colt. Most of his friends will be fillies. His friends will realize how he feels and will never say anything until he does. Since you both will most likely be dead there won't be anypony capable of casting the spell you created Rose. He will be sad all his life because he will never be his true self or know his mothers."

Twilight shocked at this revelation asked "Celestia, what are the chances we will die? We need to know so we can make the proper preparations for them. We will need to set aside sixteen years worth of bits, along with special gifts for each of them."

Celestia with tears in her eyes answered "My dearest Twilight and Rose, I'm sorry to say that the percentage of you dying is ninety-nine percent. In other words, there is only a one percent chance you will survive. Also, Rose, there is an inheritance left by your Grandfather for you and Twilight. Or to be more precise your foals. The inheritance is a total of fifty million bits to ensure that they will have a life without worries for money. But they will only have access to it after they learn the lesson to treat others as equals and the true value of a bit."

This time it was Rose's turn to be shocked as she said " In other words, Twilight and I will only have two years with our foals. Grandma why is destiny so cruel to our family.I mean your husband my Grandfather was hunted down and killed, I was almost killed by my father, my mother has had to live without knowing her heritage, my brother is going to lose his sister and Twilight and my foals will never get to meet their mothers. Do you see what I mean by cruel?"

Luna looking solemn said while handing over a rose quartz crystal "We don't know why destiny is cruel to our family. However, I can show you how to store a spell in a gem and bind it so it lasts for twenty years and can only be used once. I can teach you this Rose and Twilight because your magic surpasses mine and Celestia's. You can use this technique to store the gender change spell you created so that your colt could be the filly she truly is without fear. You can also use this technique to store a message for your foals. I know because your grandfather used it to leave you both a message. To begin the message say your name."

Rose takes the stone in her hoof and said "My name is Morning Rose. I'm the granddaughter of Celestia and Starswirl the Bearded." The moment Rose finished speaking there is a surge of magic from the stone. As the magic got stronger an image of Rose's grandfather appeared.

The image looked right at Rose and said "Since the spell has been activated I assume my granddaughter Rose and her mare are in front of me and has just been married. My dearest granddaughter congratulations on marrying Twilight Sparkle. I am so proud of you both. Now that the pleasantries are over it is time for me to tell you something important. Twilight, Rose, I want you to know that even though you will die fighting Kailomar your children will be taken care of by your friends. Mainly Rainbow Dash will teach them to be loyal to their friends, Applejack will raise them to be honest with others and especially to themselves, Fluttershy will show them the benefits of being kind, Rarity will teach them to always help those who need it and finally Pinkie Pie will show them how to always have fun. Even though they won't know you your friends will take them to your graves every Sunday and tell them about you. So don't worry about your children because their magic, when used together, is stronger than all the princesses combined including yours. Anyways that's all I have time for. Goodbye, my granddaughter and her mare. I'll see you on the Elysian Plains."

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