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As Threaded Needle trotted away Rose wondered what Needle's future held for her. After a fierce internal debate on whether or not she should look into Threaded's future she decided to look.

Rose having decided to look goes back into the living room sits down and says to silver in a tone so serious that it could cut butter "Silver i have decided to look into Threaded Needle's future. However when I'm looking into the future i cannot see, feel nor hear anything around me. Meaning if somepony wanted to kill me i wouldn't be able to stop them. That is why i want you to protect me if i ever look into the future. So will you protect me while i look my sweet Silver?"

Silver realizing the seriousness in Rose's tone answers " Rose so long as i live and breathe i swear my life to protect you wherever and whenever you need me to. After all you saved me from the loneliness and darkness that rested in my heart. So go look into the future you will be safe with me watching out for you."

Rose gives Silver a serene and peaceful smile says " Thank you Silver. You are truly the most noble and perfect guardian i could ever ask for."

As Rose finished her thanks she closes her eyes and focuses on Threaded Needle's magical energy that was still in the house. At first all Rose could see was darkness. But a couple seconds later Rose saw Threaded Needle. However the Threaded Needle she saw now looked way different but extremely happy. Her eyes that were once green as a flawless emerald were now now as pure as a cloudless sky blue, Her coat was still as white as freshly fallen snow, her black mane was now a light pink with a dark purple stripe and her tail which was once as black as night was now purple with a dark pink stripe. However the most shocking thing was her feathers which used to be green were instead a lovely shade of purple that matched Rarity's mane.

Rose after recovering from the difference sees that Threaded has a wedding ring on her hoof. Rose focused even harder on the vision and sees Rarity come in and on her horn is an identical wedding ring.

Rarity walks over to Threaded and gives the mare a very passionate kiss. Rose getting embarrassed from the intimate display looks further into the future.

What she saw amazed her to her very core. First thing she noticed was the Carasuel Beautique was instead of the single story was now three stories tall and in front were what looked like Threaded Needle and Rarity playing with their children and living a very happy life. Rose deciding she has seen enough ends the vision and returns to the present.

As Rose returned to the present the first thing she decided to do was get ready for her date with Twilight. Rose ran upstairs and looked through the wardrobe for the perfect dress for her first ever date. After about fifteen minutes of looking Rose decided to go with a white dress that enhanced her natural beauty. The dress had embroidered on it a pink rose in the twilight hour. It also had a lot of frills but not so much as to look foalish in design.

After Rose picked out her dress she heard a knock on her door. Rose seeing that there was still an hour and a half til her date went to see who it was.

When Rose opened the door she saw that it was Rarity on the other side. Rose noticed that Rarity looked extremely excited.Rose wondering what would make Rarity this excited says "Rarity what are you doing here? Also why are you so excited?"

Rarity giggled and said " Why darling I'm here to help you with your mane for your date. As for why am i so excited is because this is your very first date and it is with your true love. There is nothing more romantic anywhere."

Rose grateful to Rarity says " Thank you so much Rarity for your help. If there is anything I can do please let me know."

Rarity surprised by the offer says " Well there is one thing. Could you by any chance look into my future and tell me who my true love is?"

This time it was Rose's turn to be surprised. She looked at Rarity and said in a sisterly tone "My dear Rarity as it so happens I don't need to look into your future. For i already know who it is and the answer is Threaded Needle."

"Are you saying that the Threaded Needle from your vision is my true love? How do you know that without looking into my future,?" inquires Rarity in all seriousness.

Rose after taking a breathe says " Rarity I just got done meeting with Threaded about an hour ago. After she left i was curious about her future. So I went ahead and looked into her future and what i saw shocked me. You and Threaded Needle were married and living happily. But then you and her shared a intimate kiss and i looked even further into the future. Then finally the last thing i saw was you and Threaded playing happily with your foals. Anyways I thought you were here to do my mane."

Rarity after hearing Rose's vision says " I am Rose. As a matter of fact it is already done."

Rose shocked that Rarity had done her mane with out her knowing says after rushing to the Mare's room and seeing her mane " Thank you Rarity. I love it." Rose's mane was now cut so that her eyes were in view and made her look demure and shy at the same time.

"I'm glad Rose. By the way if you want to impress Twilight on your date take her to the hay burger and then to Sweet Apple Acres for a private romantic hay ride. Don't worry i talked to Apple Jack and she is willing to take the two of you on a romantic ride," says Rarity with a smile.

Rose surprised that Rarity had went through so much and went out of her way says in a grateful tone of voice "Thank you so much Rarity. I will do that along with a little surprise for Twilight at the end."

"Okay be sure to have fun Rose and remember Twilight loves you for who you are. So you don't have to worry. Just have fun my dear. follow your heart and you and Twilight will make it through anything,"answers Rarity leaving.

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