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Rose woke up first the next morning. The first thing she did was turn to her right and saw her mare sleeping adorably by her side. Rose noticed that she and Twilight were in a bedroom so she assumed that Luna brought them here to sleep.Rose not wanting to wake up her adorable mare quietly gets out of bed and takes a shower.

Little did Rose know that Twilight was already awake. Twilight woke up at the exact same time as Rose. however Twilight pretended to be asleep so she could think about their children. As soon as Twilight heard the shower start she realized what needed to be done. Twilight got up and went to join her mare in the shower.

After a half hour in the shower, both Rose and Twilight enter their room. As they do Twilight said "Rose, I think I should cast the pregnancy spell on us. I know that will mean we can't go on our honeymoon but I just want to spend as much time as possible with our children. What do you think my love?"

Rose after taking a deep breath said "As much as I hate to say it I agree with you. I also think we should talk to Rarity about her becoming their godmother. Should she decline to be their godmother I think the next one we should ask is Applejack."

"I agree we should talk to Rarity. However only after I cast the spell.It's hard to believe that we will only have two years with them. I just hope they have a happy life. One free of all worries. Are you ready for the spell and to become a mother?" said Twilight looking at Rose's eyes.

After receiving a nod from her Rose she cast the pregnancy spell. Twilight's magic turns from a purple aura to a light pink aura indicating the spell is active. She then directs the spell at both herself and Rose. As the spell takes effect both Rose and Twilight feel a surge of magic within their bodies.

As soon as the spell ends Rose looked Twilight in the eyes and said "Thank you, my love, for making my life complete. Are you ready to go talk with Rarity and our friends about the prophecy my love."

"Of course I am my love. After all, they are our friends and deserve to know. I just hope Rarity agrees to be their godmother. After all, they are going to need somepony to teach them how to control their unicorn magic. Yeah, we could ask Celestia to but I think Rarity will be a better fit for them. After all, she is beautiful, successful and talented." said Twilight as they head to the train station.

Rose and Twilight talked about what would be the best way to tell their friends. After an hour and a half, they arrive at Ponyville. Rose and Twilight decided to talk to Rarity first then their other friends at the same time. After fifteen minutes they enter Carousel Beautique to find Rarity working on a new dress design. Rose steps forward and said in a worried tone of voice "Rarity, Twilight and I need to talk to you about something important and to ask you a favor."

Rarity recognizing the worry used her magic to change the open sign to close and turn the lock on the door. Once that was done she magics out some tea and said "What's wrong Darling. You sound like sompony is dying or something. Is there anything I can do for you to help?"

Rose after taking a deep breath said in a calm but worried tone "Rarity, after the wedding yesterday Celestia and Luna revealed a prophecy about Twilight and me. It said that in exactly three years Twilight and I would die in battle and that we would leave our two-two-year-old foals alone. This morning Twilight cast a pregnancy spell on us. We were also left a message from Starswirl the bearded calming us about leaving our colt who is a filly inside and his sister alone. The message also said that they will both be unicorns and when they use their magic together it surpasses all alicorn magic combined. That also includes our magic. So we wanted to ask you if when we die will you be their godmother? We could ask Celestia and Luna but they will be busy keeping Equestria safe. So Rarity will you be our foals godmother and raise our colt as a filly along with his sister?"

Rarity surprised at the news said in a calm tone of voice "First off congratulations on becoming mothers. Second, don't worry about your son and daughter they will be safe with me. Thirdly I would be honored to be their godmother. Lastly, I swear if you die I will raise them to be just as friendly, noble and generous as can be. That way they will always help those in need just like their mothers."

Twilight looked Rarity in the eyes and said in a grateful tone of voice "Thank you Rarity for everything. If it wasn't for you and our friends Rose and I wouldn't be together. We were also able to leave our foals a message and a special spell ready to activate if the conditions are met. Give the messages to each of them separately.the gift for our son is the gender change spell. To activate it he has to admit his feelings on his eighth birthday. For our daughter, it is a day of luck and it will activate automatically on her seventh birthday. Will you do that for us?"

After receiving a nod from Rarity they got to Sugar Cube Corner to tell the others. After two hours of talking to their friends and being told that their foals would be alright Rose and Twilight head home for some much-needed rest.

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