first date

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After Rarity left Rose decided to read up on how to create spells. Rose heads into her living room where the book she needed was waiting. she gets comfortable on the couch and starts to read.

When the time finally came for the date Twilight after knocking for five minutes walks into Rose's house and sees deeply into a book. Twilight deciding to give Rose a little scare sneaks up behind her and nibbles on Rose's ear.

Rose feeling somepony nibble on her ear says in a scared tone of voice " Who's there? Please don't hurt me. I have my first ever date with my true love soon."

Twilight giggling at Rose's reaction says " Why it is just me my Rose. I came to pick you up for our date and so you looking so adorable. I just had to give your cute little ears a nibble my love. I'm sorry if i scared you."

"Twilight you silly mare. Of course you scared me. However i forgive you my love because in all honesty i loved the feeling. Anyway how about we start our date? By the way i love your dress," says Rose seeing Twilight in a dress that was the same color as the twilight hour with Twilight's cutie mark on it. However as Rose looked closer at the cutie mark she noticed that her cutie mark was inside Twilight's.

"Of course my dear Rose. Why don't you lead the way," says Twilight looking nervously at Rose.

Rose knowing how nervous Twilight is says " Okay Twilight. However there is somepony who wants to meet you. Silver can you come here for a minute?"

A couple seconds later Silver comes running into the living room saying " Yes Rose what can i do for you. Also who is this? She has a lovely scent. It smells of lavender on a full moon."

Rose chuckling says " Silver you remember when you asked me when you were going to meet my marefriend. Well this mare with the lavender scent is my marefriend Twilight Sparkle. Twilight this is Silver. Even though technically he is my pet i consider him my guardian and by extension yours."

Twilight realizing what happened between Rose and Silver says in a soothing voice " It is an incredible honor to meet you Silver. Thank you so very very much for protecting Rose. Honestly i don't know what i would do with out her."

Embarrassed Silver says while blushing " No the honor is all mine princess. There is also no need to thank me. Rose is a part of my family as are you Twilight. However that's enough talk. You two go on your date now. After all you are already running late."

Rose and Twilight leave on their date while saying " Good bye Silver. See you later and be sure to take care of the house."

After fifteen of walking and talking Rose and Twilight finally arrive at the Hayburger. As Twilight approaches the entrance Rose says while holding the door open " Allow me my love. Just so you know this date is on me. Anything you want let me know and it shall be yours. I chose the Hayburger for us to eat because i know it is your favorite."

" How do you know that Rose?," Inquires Twilight embarrassed.

"Well you see i wanted tonight to go perfectly for you so i asked around. After compiling all the data i determined that this was the best place to eat," says Rose as she and Twilight reach the counter.

As soon as they approach the counter the the unicorn mare employee at the register said " Hello and welcome to the Hayburger. What can i get for such a lovely couple tonight?"

Twilight knowing exactly what she wanted says " I would like a grand Hayburger with a large Dandelion juice."

As the employee entered the order she says " What would you like miss?"

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