Chapter 16

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Paige's POV

I love this feeling. Just being in Peter's arms, holding me, it feels right.

I don't know what came over me earlier. I think it may have been my wolf but I'm not sure. It was freaky but I kind of liked it though but I wouldn't tell anybody that.

I close my eyes for just a moment to just capture the moment and I fall asleep.

Henry's POV

I miss Paige so much. I don't care about Riley. Yeah I treat her like a mate should but she was a drunkin' mistake. That much I can tell you.

Riley has been parading around and ordering people like no tomorrow. I know I marked her and everything but she is taking this too far. She has turned almost everyone into her own personal slave. I know she got the power of Luna from the mark but it's getting so bad that we are starting to become a weak pack and it's partially my fault because my mind is on different matters but still. Our pack is falling apart and soon people will see that and will want to take over my pack. If it comes down to that I will have to bring in some help. Let's hope it doesn't come to that.

Peter's POV

She fell asleep against me.

I didn't know she was that tired but it was cute that she fell asleep against me though.

I pick her up bridal style and walk up to my room to lay her on the bed.

She looks so peaceful when she's asleep.

I know I have a lot of things to get done but a little nap with my mate won't hurt anyone.

I lay beside Paige and hug her close having 1 arm draped over her stomach spooning her from behind.


I woke up to an empty bed. Now where could she have ran off to?

Paige's POV

I left Peter to sleep. He looked too peaceful plus I think he needed it.

I've been thinking and I don't know how well Peter will take this but I want some training so if anything happened then I could defend myself. I'll see what he has to say when he wakes up for now I think I'm just going to wander maybe I might find something.


Hey guys sorry for not updating yesterday. I've been sick the last 5 or so days and this weekend I'm getting enough rest to get better. Plus I wanted to thank you guys for being there for me! It means a lot to me and I mean a lot. if it wasn't for you guys this story wouldn't have gotten far. So thanks again also sorry it's short I will try to make the next chapter longer but no promises but this was kind of a filler so yeah. Well till next time remember to





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