Chapter 10

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Paige's POV

That lasagna was really good. No wonder it's famous.

After eating that delicious meal, Beth took the tray and left and not long after, Shirly left.

It was silent. Not an uncomfortable silence but I guess we were just lost in out thoughts.

"Paige, when you said 'it felt only like a couple days' what did you mean by that?"

"Um, well you see. How do I describe this or even start?"

"The beginning would be great."

I gave him a look and then said, "Um, well, after I passed out and that image, as I did, will forever burn."

"Sorry about that," he says sincerely.

"Well after I passed out it was black for awhile and I appeared in a beautiful meadow. It was so peaceful. There was this marvelous lake. It was so beautiful plus it was surrounded by forest and there were wildflowers all over the field. It was breathtaking.

"I probably spent at least a day just exploring and swimming. Then I heard this voice. I got a little jumpy at first but I also recognized the voice. Then my father walked out of the trees. He told me a very, very, interesting story and I got a huge surprise. The family I grew up with was never my real family besides my dad. My dad told me that you were very special to me and I need to figure it out and that where I am is where I belong. Then my real mother came out and I look just like her. She was so beautiful and the real shocker was that-

"Ok before I go on, promise me not to tell anyone because of the power I possess, bad people want to use it for horrible reasons."

"I promise."

"They told me that my mother was the moon goddess and I am the moon goddess's daughter. They gave me hugs and kisses and I woke up."

Peter was really silent after the explanation.

He kept opening and closing him mouth like a fish and then says, "Well that was unexpected."

"Ya I know. I trust you and that's why I told you."

"I love how you trust me and everything but, wow that was huge. I also have to tell you something. I think it's true and plus it's only thing left out of all the things I researched."

I look at him confused and ask, "What do you mean?"

"I think you are my second mate."



Sorry this is short I was going to upload this Wednesday but my Internet goes in and out and it was out so sorry by the way! Also it seems like I'm not getting much feedback for this story but it's also my first story so I'm not complaining! Also it seems like I'm getting off track with what I started with so PLEASE let me know if it seems like it. An remember





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