Chapter 33

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Very important please read Author's Note at end!!!

Paige's POV

I got back to the pack house and some people were starting to get up. I could feel Peter getting up and slightly panicking because I wasn't there when he woke up. I could feel him panicking more as I hear him move around upstairs.

I chuckle to myself and make my way toward the kitchen. He can panic a little more since he is being stupid. I mean really can you not scene me in the house. I'm right here I'm not going anywhere anytime soon.

I smile to myself as I walk into the kitchen and see Beth cooking away like always and bumping into someone. I swear I need to watch where I'm going. This is getting old but what do you expect when you have another pack residing with you. I look at who I bumped into and it was Sophia. She looks at me wide eyed and teary eyed. She pulls me into a motherly hug and squeezes the air out of my lungs.

"Oh my, it really is you. My baby, I missed you so much. I can't believe it's really you," she says hugging me tighter and shaking me back and forth making my arms shake side to side too.

I take a glance at Beth and she seems shocked with eyes wide while in mid stir. I can't blame her when someone comes up to someone says 'Oh my, it really is you. My baby, I missed you so much. I can't believe it's really you.' I mean really I would be too if it wasn't me being the one hugged to death, literally.

"H-hello Sophia," I try to speak up. She pulls back holding me at arm's length with tears in her eyes.

"Oh my baby, I was so worried when you left and I know I was a horrible mother but I would like to change that. I shouldn't have blamed you for your father's death but I was in mourning and for that I'm truly sorry," she apologizes with a sincere look.

"Breakfast," Beth cuts in, looking at me.

'Thank you,' I mouth to her, because truthfully I didn't know what to say to her. I mean she looked sincere but I just couldn't get over the fact that she's up to something or has other motives for sucking up to me.

"Yum," Sophia says looking at the food like she hasn't ate in days but then looks at me and continues with a smile, "Go ahead Paige. I'll get mine after yours."

I look at Beth and shrug. This will be the first. As I was heading to get a plate I was tackled into a sparking hug. I squeal and start laughing and smiling as he spun me around. I could just see him smiling as he spun me around. He finally puts me down and wraps his arms around me while I still face the front looking at a surprised Sophia and a smiling Beth.

"I woke up very cold this morning darling," Peter speaks up resting his chin on my shoulder.

"Well I'm sorry you had to wake up cold, heaven forbid you die of hypothermia," I retort rolling my eyes.

He chuckles and replies, "Oh I could have then you would've had to take care of me," then added under his breath while whispering in my ear, so no one could hear him, "And in this cute, very, revealing maid outfit."

I shiver and blush at what he said.

"Bro leave her alone look at what you did, she's blushing like mad. What did you say anyway?" Damien voices as he comes into the kitchen.

"None of your concern," Peter smirks.

"That's ok, I don't even want to know," Damien replies, shaking his head.

"Good morning Paige," Morgan says as she walks into the kitchen as well.

"Morning Morgan," I reply.

"Hey Peter I'm going to borrow your mate today just fare warning."

"Ok?" he says confused.

"Okay Paige, after breakfast we're going out no ifs, ands, or buts capiche?" I nod my head not wanting to argue with her.

"Good," she ends.

I take a side glance at Peter and he just shrugs not going to say anything.

Well whatever we're going to do I think I'm going to have a great time and it will be nice to take a break from training. I've earned a break.

"Question Morgan, Where are we going exactly?"

"We're going shopping."

"Okay," I say. Might as well not argue with her I've only known her a day and I can already tell she doesn't take no for an answer and is quite stubborn.

*30 minutes later*

"You done eating your breakfast?" Morgan asks impatiently.

"Well sorry for being a slow eater. I like to take my time thank you very much," I retort. She has been asking me for the past 20 minutes if I was done yet and it was getting irritating to say the least.

"Well hurry up and I'll shut up."

I took one last bite and before I could even put my fork down I was dragged out of my seat, past the living room, and out the front door. Man she was in a hurry.

"Ok, ok, I get it you can quit dragging me now." She reluctantly let go and I didn't notice that we were already at a car. "Is this yours?"

"Yup it's my baby," she tells me.

"Wow it's really nice," I compliant. She had one of those new mustangs with 2 blue strips down the hood which was awesome!

"Quit admiring and get in the car. We've got a lot to do today!" she chirps.

*Later that day*

"Holy cow Paige, did you buy out the whole mall?" Peter teases.

I roll my eyes at his remark and say, "oh ha ha you're very funny. Now come help me carry these bags there's more in the car."

"Are you sure you didn't buy out the mall or me for that fact."

"No now I got this new training outfit that I would like to try on," I tell him walking towards him then muttering under my breath so no one else could hear me, "then maybe if you're a good boy I might give you a treat later."

I smirk at his shiver and lustful black eyes that went back to his original color in a split second. "O-okay," he stutters and walks out the door to go and get the rest of the clothes. Man this is going to be fun.


Sorry guys I have been really busy and my grandparents have been in for the last 2 weeks and I wanted to spend time with them and I just didn't have the courage to write I guess but I guess that's not an excuse. Well I'm leaving with them to go back to Tennessee for a month but I will update!! Just don't expect an update in the next 3 days I will be traveling. When I get there I will start writing the next chapter! So I'm truly sorry for not updating! Well anyway remember to





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