Chapter 2

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Paige's POV

I walked to Wolf High. How ironic isn't it. Our whole town is made up of werewolves so it only makes sense to name it Wolf High. I think it's kind of stupid if you ask me. There hasn’t been a human student in years. Ever since that fateful day when one of us changed, I'm not naming names *cough* Henry *cough*, no one has ever stepped foot in here again. She was one of my only friends besides Alex at the time. Then Alex moved not long before dad died. I don't even know the reason why they moved either.  

I was so caught up in my thoughts I didn't notice my brother and sister pull up in their car. Not saying a word, because it was written on their faces, gave me disgusting looks and sped away like something was chasing them. Then David just had to drive through a puddle of water and get me soaking wet from the rain we got last night. How wonderful. This is going to be such a great day. Note the sarcasm.

I finally make it to the brick building of hell, I mean school. Wolf High is huge and beautiful on the outside and the inside, it's just the people that make it horrible. It's made up of brick and what ever is used to make schools. Blue, yellow, and white make up the school colors with a wolf as the mascot.

I start walking up the school steps and like always everyone is in their groups whispering 'Why is she here', 'She's so ugly' and it goes on and on. I kind of got use to it after a while but it still hurts to be called ugly and a waste of space.

Going down the empty hallways, I head straight to my locker. Like everyday I get my things I need for my morning classes and the hallways were filling up fast. Shutting the blue locker I start heading toward my first class but I wasn't watching where I was going and bumped into someone. I fell flat on my butt and my books went everywhere.

I did, however, feel the sparks on my skin and butterflies in my stomach as we bumped into each other. I look up and see none other than the soon the be Alpha, Henry Walker, the jerk. 

With his tasseled brown hair, clean cut jaw, hazel eyes that could make anyone melt, and abs to die for he was looking pretty dang hot if you ask me.

"You're my mate," I say, still on the ground with my mouth wide open. This was the break I was looking for. I don't care if he's a jerk but he's my jerk.

When I said that everyone was silent and I mean silent. Everyone was watching us like we were the best T.V. show possible.

What he said next will forever haunt me. "You're not my mate. Who would want you as a mate. You are so ugly, fat, and such a waste of space," Henry exclaims.

My heart drops. Maybe this wasn't my break after all. I sit there speechless. He did not just say that but I guess he did because everyone was laughing at me even my own flesh and blood. I knew they hated me but I have never lied to them. None of them and they are just laughing at me.

I'm done! I have had it!

I scrambled to get my things as everyone was walking to their classes. Of course they couldn't leave me alone and stepped on everything even me. With tears going down my face I headed to my first hour but instead of left I headed right. I was headed to the door that's at the end of the hall.

I can't take it anymore. That was the last straw. Being rejected by your mate that was suppose to love you no matter what, hurts and leaves you heart broken. There is nothing more to me or my life and I have finally decided to leave this hell and I'm never looking back.


Here is the updated version of chapter 2. Let me know what you think! :) If there is any mistakes please let me know! :)





Have a great day my Hunters!

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