Chapter 24

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Paige’s POV

“Where have you been? I was so worried,” Peter bombarded me as I walked in the door.

“Taking a very nice walk,” I lie.

“3 hours of walking, I don’t believe you, he tells me pulling me in for a hug. “I’m glad you’re ok though. I was about ready to go and look for you, you had me so worried,” he continues in a softer voice and hugging me tighter.

“I’m sorry for running off but I just need to calm down ok, don’t worry and I’m sorry for earlier I should have stayed and talked it out not ran away but I’m stubborn.”

“I know you are and I’m really sorry too. I shouldn’t have said what I said. It wasn’t right and I’m so sorry. Please forgive me,” he tells me and leans down to kiss me lightly on the lips. “I’m sorry,” he says again and again and again and each time kissing somewhere on my face.

“Ok I get the point, you’re sorry,” I say with a big smile on my face. “You’re forgiven,” I added at the end.

He picks me up and we really start making out. I can feel the love he has for me as he kisses me passionately. I moan and I feel him moving taking me somewhere, probably to his room.

I hear the door shut behind us as he lays me on his bed. We haven’t stopped kissing since downstairs and I’m getting a little worried. I’m not ready. I was planning to do this after we got back from the date on Friday not now. I pull away to catch my breath and he kisses his way down my neck to my collar bone. This is going too far way to fast.

“Peter,” I try to say but it comes out as a moan. “Peter,” I say again, a little weak.

“Hmm,” he says still kissing up and down my neck.

“I’m-“I start but he brings his lips back on mine and kisses me like never before. I can feel his wolf starting to surface and if I don’t stop him now who knows what will happen. “Peter please stop, I’m not ready,” I finally manage to get out.

He stops kissing me and I look at him. His eyes are a pitch black meaning his wolf was coming out. He sighs and lays his head between my neck and shoulder since he was on top of me. He kisses my shoulder lightly and says, “I’m sorry I just got a little carried away. We were so worried and the only way to know where you are and if you are safe is when we officially finish the mating and we just were so worried. I’m sorry and I know you’re not ready but we have to do it sometime and you know it but take your time we have 9 months,” he says sincerely.

“I know but I want it to be special and you do too and I understand we were just caught up in the moment. So don’t worry I was too but I got enough sense to stop before anything happened and I don’t mean that in a bad way just not yet. You will know when I’m ready and we can make the moment extra special,” I conclude kissing him one last time before rolling out from underneath him.

“I love you so much Paige and you don’t know how long I have been waiting to find love again after everything with Sarah and I’m glad it was you,” he tells me truthfully.

I lean over the bed to give him a lingering kiss and say, “I love you too and I’m glad I ran away from that hell hole and met you and not anybody else,” I say smiling.

He growls and grabs me again pinning me under him but instead of kissing me he began to tickle my sides. “S-stop. P-Peter s-stop,” I try to get out but he keeps on tickling me to the point of almost peeing my pants. Now that would have been embarrassing.

“Fine I’m done but it’s not the last time,” he says with an evil glint in his eyes. Oh man am I in for it next time. “Besides I like it when you laugh it brightens the room.”

Aww he is so cute.

“Hey I am not cute, I’m handsome.”

Did I say that out loud?

“Yes you did and I’m going to repeat myself. I’m. not. cute.” he says slowly so I get every work like I’m a special person. (No offence to special people! I have friends like that, that are special!)

“I think you’re cute just like a little puppy,” I coo at him and he gives me a glare.

“You want to go round 2,” he says raising his hands to tickle me again.

“NO I’m good and what I meant to say was that you are so handsome that the sun doesn’t compare to you,” I say trying to save myself from another laughing fit even though it was super cheesy.

“That’s what I thought,” he says getting off my once again and giving me a peck on the nose.

“I didn’t mean that at all,” I mumble under my breath.

“What was that?” he asks looking over his shoulder with a playful glare.

“I didn’t say anything. Maybe you’re hearing things or you should get your hearing checked cuz I didn’t say anything,” I try to lie.

He narrows his eyes suspiciously and grabs my hand and we walk out his bedroom door hand and hand.

“Come on liar let’s go and get something to eat. Oh and on Friday wear something causal for our date.”

“Where are we going?” I question curiously.

“It’s a surprise my dear and you’re not going to get any answers out of me,” he says triumphantly.

I take my hand from his and cross my arms pouting like a little kid. “Why not?” I whine. I shouldn’t act like this but hey I need answers.

He pinches my cheeks and I swat at his hand and he says, “Well it’s a surprise and don’t look at me like that.”

“I’ll look at you any way I want and you can’t do anything about it,” I comment but I shouldn’t have, because now, I’m running for my life.


I like this chapter probably not the best but I don't mind. Testing went well this week most of it was pretty easy some of the math was hard but nothing I couldn't handle! :) Also and I know this is off topic but I have to rant because this is so stupid! K I will tell you a little bit about my self. I'm 16 almost 17 in June and I'm a sophomore in high school and as a senior we should not have to take these TCAP tests like in the past but we are going to be the first seniors to take TCAP in the FALL and Colorado is making us take a social studies test along with math, reading, and writing plus we have to take science too. That is so STUPID. Who as a senior in my 2015 class is going to remember what they learned in social studies as a freshman and sophomore? Well not me and I get all A's and at least 1 B!! Sorry for the little rant but I had to get it out of my system. I'm all better now :) Well sorry for that and I hope you liked this chapter and also about my One Direction story I have most of it edited and just let me know when you guys want it posted, soon, later, never, after this story. Let me know :) Sorry for the long author's note and remember to





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