Chapter 25

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Peter’s POV

“I’ll look at you any way I want and you can’t do anything about it,” Paige told me.

A hungry sensation fell over me and she must have seen it and ran away. She probably thought I was mad but no, it was quite the opposite actually.

I ran after her like a wolf after its prey. That was a bad simile, since I’m a wolf and I’m running after her. “Paige,” I roar.

Probably not the best idea but oh well.  I smell the air hoping that she didn’t mask her scent and she didn’t. I smelt her all the way in the kitchen where Beth and mom was working. They smiled at me like they knew what was going on. “Oh Paige, come out, come out where ever you are,” I sing sweetly.

“Have you guys seen Paige?” I ask them.

They smile and say, “No.” I look at them suspiciously knowing they are lying to me.

“Well I guess I’ll just have to go check somewhere else,” I say winking at them and making my way around the door but not any further but still making my footsteps sound like I’m walking away further and further away from the kitchen.

I peak around the corner of the doorway and see her looking both ways before coming out of the pantry and saying, “Wow that was close. Thanks for covering for me guys.” She was still looking at them her back to me and as quiet as a mouse I came up behind her and grabbed her. Beth and my mom seen I was coming up behind her but didn’t give anything away since they knew what I was doing. She screamed and I started tickling her again.

“O-ok I-I give u-up. Y-you w-win,” she tries to yell out from being tickled so much. I stop tickling her so she could get her breath back. I smile down at her and hug her close to me bending down to kiss her temple. “Yeah, yeah. I’m going to go outside if you need me.”

She pulls away from me but before she does I whisper into her ear so no one else could hear what I was saying, “Keep tempting me and before you know it we will be mating faster than you think.” She shivers and I bite her ear a little. She scowls at me and covers her ear then walks away.

“I haven’t seen you so happy in forever,” mom pipes up after Paige left. “I’m glad she’s the one though. I know I did wrong in the beginning but I really like her. When you came up behind her you had the biggest smile on your face and then once she knew it was you, you should have seen her face. I could tell she really loves you. I can also tell from just this scene that when she walks into a room everything lights up, especially you sweetie.”

“What Carly said Peter. I agree with her. Since I first met her I fell in love with her. I know I was different than your mom but you’re her son so I understand that but I’m glad you’re the one that found Paige that day instead of someone else. I would hate that someone else found her but you did and nobody else. She may not notice it but she is very beautiful and someone could take advantage of her. So what I’m trying to say is that I’m glad she found you and you found her. You make her happy and she makes you happy and a happy you makes everyone else happy because you are Alpha,” Beth speeches.

“Thanks you guys. That means a lot to me and if Paige had heard too it would mean a lot to her too. She may not have many friends right now but you guys and Shirly are a great start and I trust you guys to take care of her,” I tell them truthfully. “I would hate myself if something ever happened to her.” I look out the kitchen window and see her playing with some of the younger pups in the pack. “She would also make a great mother too,” I add with a small smile.

“Well look at that,” mom exclaims.

“She would make a great mother one day,” Beth pipes up.

“I know I can’t wait till I see her round with my pups. It will be a site to see and I can’t wait.”

“Oh I can’t wait till I have grandchildren running around the house,” mom says dreamily.

“Get your head out of the gutter mom.”

“You’re the one that started it,” mom huffs.

“Still. Ok subject change. I’m taking her out on Friday make sure she dresses casually and is ready by 5 and you guys can help her if you want only if she wants help, which she might. I don’t know just ask her.”

“Ok when she comes back in we’ll ask her,” mom says.

“Ok, if you need anything I’ll be in my office so I can catch up on everything so I can spend time with her this weekend.” They both nod and continue to watch Paige playing with the pups outside. I head upstairs to start on my work so I can get it done.

I walk into my office and see my answering machine blinking meaning I have a voicemail. Hmm who could it be?

I push a button and Henry’s voice fills the air. Help. Is all I remember before Paige comes barging in the office.


Sorry I'm a day late. I almost passed out yesterday and my mom told me not to get on the computer for the rest of the day. Sorry by the way. Anyway I'm on spring break and hopefully I can update more but I still have chores and other things to do but I will try my hardest. Well anyway remember to





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