Chapter 18

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*A month later*

Paige's POV

Well I convinced Peter to let me get some training and let me tell you it's not easy. I've been training for about a month now and I'm totally better and I've figured out some of my powers but Peter is the only one helping me with that. I can manipulate minds, move objects, create a power force like what I did to those rouges a little over a month ago, and I still have more to figure out but I'm getting there with Peter's help of course. When we went to the library we did find a couple of different things but other than that no. Plus mom and dad appear in my dreams every once in awhile and mom has been a little help but not much with my powers but I don't mind.

"Again Paige," Peter tells me.

"Whaa," I say back, coming out of my thoughts.

"Were you not paying attention again."

"What can I say, I've got a lot of things on my mind."

"Well pay more attention or else," he tells me with a mischievous grin.

Uh oh I know that look and let me tell you if I don't, I better run.

"Ok I'm listening now," I tell him in a hurry.

"Good, now try to pick up that log telepathically."

"Why so heavy?" I whine.

"Paige, just do it."

"Fine," I tell him and look at the log. It starts to wobble and I push my mind a little more and it's off the ground a couple of inches and it drops to the ground with a thud. Ugh not again.

"Peter I'm tired. Can we quit for the day, please?" I plead with puppy eyes, which he can't resist by the way.

He look unsure for a moment but I don't stop and he finally caves like a mate should.

"Fine you win. I can never win when you pull the puppy dog face."

"Yeah," I scream while doing the weirdest happy dance ever.

"Paige," Peter groans.

"What?" I ask innocently, even though I know his problem.

"Come on before I take you here and now."

"Aww come on the dance was getting good. Just a little hip swaying and twisting."

He growls and pulls me close. "You little minx."

"I know," I giggle and run away from him laughing all the way to the pack house.

Man in the last month I have felt more than happy since dad died but I know he is always with me even when I can't see or hear him.

Georld's POV

I am so proud of her for coming a long way in such a short time. I'm glad to see her happy again even if I'm up here. I hate that they treated her like dirt when I left and that Henry is still looking for her. I can understand but that lowlife dirt bag needs to give up. She is happy where she is. He also marked Riley, who is a slut by the way. I know I just called my daughter a slut but hey she is. I'm not proud of any of them. David, I don't know anymore. He looks so sad and guilty and he should but I kind of and I said kind of feel bad for him. He loved Paige the most well besides me though.

"We need to visit Paige tonight dear."

"What for?" I ask confused. I know we do but this is unusual though.

"Something has come up and she needs to prepare for it and all we will tell her is that she needs to train more and work on her powers. It's something dangerous and should have never been created and she is the only one to defeat it," Rose tells me.

"What is this thing you speak of?"

"Well all I know is that this thing is powerful, wants more power, and will do anything to get it. Remember werewolves aren't the only supernatural creatures created."

"Yeah I know."

"Also she need to mate in order to gain all her powers and this thing is sly and sneaky but will take awhile but she has 9 months to train, mate, and use her powers to full extent."

"Ok we will tell her tonight."

"I love you."

"I love you too," and we both look at Paige laughing and having a great time but that won't last long. Life is never easy, I think and continue to watch my beautiful daughter.

Paige's POV

"What do you mean I have 9 months?"

"Something very dark and powerful is coming and you have to defeat it and in order to do that you have to mate, train more, and figure out all your powers. You have a lot to learn in the next 9 months but I know you can do it sweetie," mom tells me.

"But, but,"

"But nothing. You're ready, you just won't admit it," mom states.

"This is too sudden why now?"

"Remember a couple weeks ago when I told you about other supernatural creatures."


"Well this is something darker than dark and will do anything to get power. Also don't let him fool you dear, he may be gorgeous but a heart colder than Antarctica," mom informs me. "Another thing about mating is so you don't fall into his trap. I don't know how he knows about you and the powers you posses but still. I will let you know more when the time comes ok sweetie. We love you," mom tells me and they both hug and kiss me and they leave.

I jolt awake, panting. How can someone know about me?

I get up trying to not wake Peter and head to the library to see if I can find anything on this dark someone.

Unknown POV

I will get your powers little one just you wait.

No one can defeat me and my army and we, and I mean me, will rule the world!!


Hey there readers! I had a great week this week. I pretty much did this chapter all on Wednesday because in my 4th hour I had nothing to do since i'm on my school newspaper and so I wrote this chapter which I really like I hope you do too!! This is probably one of my best chapters so far. Let me know what you think anddd who is this unknown person?!?!?!?  Well I hope you liked this chapter until next time





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