Chapter 19

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Peter's POV

I woke up to an empty bed.

That's weird. Where could she be? I usually wake up before she does and like the creeper I am I watch her sleep but not today.

'Paige where are you?' I ask through the mind link.

'Library,' and I was cut off. She must be really concentrating on something to just cut me off.

I get up and put on some pants and a shirt and headed to the library.

I walked into the library and books upon books were stacked all around. She must have been up pretty much the whole night.

"Paige?" I ask timidly.

She pops up and says, "Yeah."

"Umm, what is all this and how long have you been up?"

"Well," she says not looking me in the eye and rocking back and forth on her heels. "Umm how do I say this?"

"You could flat out tell me," I state a little curious.

"Well, to answer your last question, I think around 1 or 2 and the first, well, lets just say my parents visited me last night and I'm researching."

"What are you researching?"

"Umm, well, lets just say there is something coming."

"Like what?"

"They didn't give much specifics but they did tell me I have to prepare, training and power wise, and--" she mumbled the rest I didn't get.

"What was the last part?" I ask and she mumbles again. "Even though I have super hearing, I still can't hear you."

"-and we have to mate," she yells, ducking down again.

"Don't be embarrassed Paige," I tell her, even though I'm laughing on the inside.

"Do you know how embarrassing it is to have your parents tell you, you have to mate within 9 months in order to get all your powers," she tells me peaking out from behind the books.

"Well no but it can't be that bad."

"Yeah it is especially when they tell you that you're ready," she whispers.

"Ah, I see. Well, what are you researching," I ask again to get her mind off of what her parents said.

"All my parents told me was that something bad was coming and that it was coming for my power and that he is, how do I put it gorgeous," before she finished I growled and I jumped over the books and grabbed her and pulled her close so I could calm my wolf down," so that is why my parents want me to mate with you and also to get all my powers."

"Mine," I tell her putting my head in her neck.

"I know I am. Don't worry."

"How would you like to go on a date this Friday?"

Paige's POV

He's asking me out on a date!! I can't believe it. I have been waiting for this for awhile and it has finally come, "I would be happy to," I tell him giggling.

"Good. Dress casually." Hmm wonder what he has planned?! I'll pester and  worry later.

We just stood there looking into each other's eyes. He then looked at my lips and looked back at me for conformation. I lean closer and he crashes his lips to mine and we were kissing.

I love his kisses. They are so soft and Peter is so gentle and passionate.

I slowly pull away and say, "Not here and now."

"I know," he says huskily.

"Come on Romeo, you're wasting the day away and I need to start my training!"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. First you need to put all these books away."

I look at the books an one by one they move back to their original spot. "All done, now let's go. I'm hungry."

He chuckles and I grab his hand and I drag him out of the library but before I move any further, I see the beta Damien at the door wide-eyed and mouth open. OHHH SHITTT! I'm screwed!


Hey guys. I have been so stressed lately. I told my friends something big and they laughed at me and I was so mad and upset with them but I confronted one of them and we're cool. We have dirt on each other so we just need to get dirt on my other friend. Also I have to do 2 stories for my school newspaper and it's not helping at all but I'm glad I'm writing instead of doing the voices page! Well enough about my life! So what do you guys think any good. Let me know and





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