No. 8

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                       Denji's P.O.V
After I broke the curtain thingy, Itadori took down the curse and we met up with Mei Mei and the little boy.

Mei Mei's younger brother held her axe and, and Mei Mei looked around.

If was silent until a little robotic voice came out of Itadori's ear.

"Can you hear me Yuji Itadori? Listen care-"

Itaodri grabbed the thing that was on his ear and squeezed it.

The robot spoke again.

"Hold on, hold on! I'm on your guys side!"

Itadori opened his hand and pointed at the little circle robot thing.

"Isn't this Mechamaru from Kyptp High?"

Mei Mei nodded, and I had no idea who he was.

The robot spoke after a moment of silence.

"There isnt much time left, I'm only going to say this once. Satoru Gojou has been sealed."

Itadori's eyes widened and the robot stopped talking.

Mei Mei looked at the robot and then spoke.

"That Satoru Gojou. What makes you think we'd believe you."

The robot voice spoke quickly.

"I'm sorry I don't have solid proof, but just the fact that I'm here is proof itself. I was killed on October 19 by a special grade curse that goes by the name Mahito. What I am now is nothing more but a contingency I planned for before I died. It's an advanced plan made possible with the stipulation of Satoru Gojou being sealed. To avoid a malfunction, I am limited to the positions of these puppets to three locations. Yuji Itadori out of all the Sorcerers at Tokyo High, is least likely to be a mole, and Mei Mei, I have eliminated you as well, given the situation. I don't know about that boy next to Itadori, but I believe he isn't going to do anything stupid."

We nodded and Mei Mei asked a question.

"Why have you eliminated me as well? It's because you and your scouting abilities were sent to Meijijungumae, instead of being used for covert actions in Shibuya. As for Itadori he didn't even have any connections to the jujutsu world until a couple months ago. That other boy I don't know anything of so I can't speak for him. Alright what if I was just refused to follow orders, and besides,  I'm the who has been trying to stop Itadori. Despite Hai determination to come to Shibuy. Then why are there cursed users coming to kill you?"

Mei Mei stopped talking and looked behind her down the subway tunnel.

"There's maybe two cured spirits down there Itadori. Are they stronger than the one Itaodri took down? I'd say they're stronger than that grasshopper."

Itadori and me looked at each other and then Mei Mei started talking again.

"Enemies like this are all over the place now, where were they this whole time? Anyway let's ignore the curse users and keep going. We need to check on Gojou."

After Mei Mei said that the robot spoke.

"No! The situation in Shibuya has been changed now. The barrier techquies they're using are car superior to ours. There is four barriers around Shibuya right now. Curtain A was to trap civilians. Curtain B was to trap Gojou. Lastly curtain C bars Sorcerers from getting in."

The young boy looked at the ground for a moment before talking.

"So there's a curtain C farther along blocking our way through the tracks."

The robot gave the little boy an answer which was a yes.

Mei Mei pulled out her phone and looked at it for a moment.

The robot spoke while she was on her phone.

"The Sorcerers on standby are probably in the curtain already, and you can't use phones inside of the curtains. It seems that you're correct. But it seems like I can't get in contact with the assistant managers outside the curtains perimeter either. Please listen to what I have to say. This so called contingency will wear off soon."

Itaodri looked at Mei and she nodded.

"Itadori and your friend, head back to Meijijungumae and proceed to Shibuya above ground. Mei Mei make a opening for those two please. After the curse users attack, I'm going to need you to manage things down here. We still can't be sure when or how the enemy will engage. I'll try my best to adapt, oh by the way is your bank account frozen? Huh? No! You're not getting my money you greedy woman!"

Mei Mei laughed a little and the robot talked again.

"If Gojou Satoru disappears both the jujutsu world and human society will upended. I thought that it'd be okay everything was upended. That was pretty stupid of me."

The young boy pointed at himself and asked the robot.

"What about me? You can choose. Then I'll stay with my sister!"

Mei Mei stared down the tunnel and I noticed two sets of eyes.

"Everyone they're here."

The curses ran towards us, and Mei Mei held out her axe.

The curse to the right spoke,

"You're Mei Mei right? You two go ahead of us, and we'll follow your lead! You got it!"

Itadori and I ran down the tunnel leaving Mei Mei and her little brother behind.

The robot spoke after a couple of moments of silence.

"Itadori good news! They're unable to move Gojou from B5F! Why's that?! He's Gojou that's why! Haha! Great!"

I assumed that was a good thing.

The robot spoke again.

"We'll surround them now Itadori and Denji. We'll have the sorcerers move in on the Shibuya station from all the adjacent subway stations. Once the curtain barring sorcerers from entering is down, we'll attack! We have the sorcerers come in, but the question is, how?"

We were all quiet and Itadori spoke.

"Oh! What is it Itadori?"

I saw him thinking of something and then there was a curse in front of us.

I went into my devil form and killed it.

I killed all the curses that were in our way and made it easier to get through.

We made it to the roof top and waited to see what Itadori would do.

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