No. 35

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Kishibe's P.o.v
I walked next to Makima and she started to talk to me about what will happen.

"I heard Quanxi will be coming here from China to be an assassin."

She was my work mate when we were younger, fighting devils together.

I always used to ask her out but she always rejected me and punched me hard in the face.

I nodded at Makima and she kept talking.

"It's safe to assume she'll bring her four fiends along with her. Now to the real question Kishibe. Should we intercept them?"

I stared foward thinking for a moment before I spoke.

"I'm not to keen to approach the question Makima. If all of humanity were against each other in a bare fist knuckle fight, she'd on top. She'll be tricky."

The hallway that we were walking in was completely empty now.

"I doubt she'll be the only big name assassin that'll come to take Denji's heart."

I nodded and she talked again.

"There's no point in taking precautions with Quanxi. We'll have stay watch for Germany's Santa Claus."

I took a second to respond before doing so.

"Do you think he'll come Makima?"

She paused for a moment before replying to me.

"It's tough to say. Rumor's going around that he finally died of old age, but if he's not and he uses his devils, we're over. I'll hope to god that he's already been sent to the pearly gates of heaven."

I nodded and we headed down the hallway in silence.


Third perspective
A old balding man with wrinkles on every part of his body, say holding a newspaper.

A man wearing a hat and a coat walked over to him and sat down next to him on the bench.

He had a beard and placed his hands on top of one another.

The old man didn't lower his paper for the man who sat down next to him.

"Christmas has come early hasn't it?"

The old man moved the newspaper down from his face just enough to see his eyes.

He replied with.

"Who's the person that receives a gift? A 16-year-old boy. He's the chainsaw devil that has Japan in an uproar. Could you find him?"

The old man didn't speak for a moment and then replied.

"What do it get if I succeed? Anything you want sir."

The old man thought for a moment before he spoke.

"I want you to adopt four good looking children. Doesn't matter what gender they are or how old. Why do you want four? Three for contracts in the future and one for personal pleasure."

The man next to him nodded and stood up.

He tired his back to the old and man replied.

"I'll have everything arranged for you."


Denji's P.o.v
Itadori sat on the couch not doing anything while I laid on the floor looking up at the small t.v.

I don't know why everyone wants my heart. What's the big deal about it. Who was potchita to begin with?

"I wanna go on the trip with Makima."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2022 ⏰

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