Chapter 23: Protect the queen

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I never thought training could be so hard. Ser Jorah does not go easy on me. Every time I do something wrong he yells at me. It may make me feel uneasy at times, but I feel myself improving greatly. During the training, we make use of wooden swords for safety, but even then I get bloody and bruised on my legs, hands, wrist, and arms. It is hard but somehow knowing that I get stronger every time is satisfying.

Today, Jorah and I are dueling again on the training field. I try to parry his attack but he moves slightly to the right and brings the wooden sword down hard on my right hand. I yell in pain and hear laughter from Daenerys' Kha's and some of the bloodriders of Drogo. Jorah sighs "If this was a real battle you just lost an arm." I groan in pain and frustration. "I just wish I had some armor, like you Ser. It would help me." "And what if Daenerys is attacked now? Would you have time to put on your fancy armor?" I pick up the wooden sword again, trying to ignore the pain I feel in my wrist. "Well let's continue training Ser, I need to be as ready as I can be. Drogo will not last long," I whisper in a low tone so only he can hear me. "You are right, it will not be long now," he says and puts a hand on my shoulder. "Let's be as prepared as possible." And wood cracks against wood as we continue our training.

After a hard day of training, I walk back to my tent for a much-needed bath and rest. As I walk in I see Irri waiting for me. "My lady, how did the training go?" she asks. "I'm still getting all bruised and bloody, but Jorah is a good teacher. So I can't really complain," I say. "That is good to hear. Shall I prepare a bath for you?" I perk up at that "What would I do without you Irri?" She prepares a bath and I get in feeling my sore muscles scream in pleasure. "Gods this is good, thank you Irri," I say. "My lady?" Irri seems nervous for some reason. "Hmm? What is it Irri?" She shifts nervously "May I have the evening free?" I smile widely which makes Irri blush. "Of course Irri! Have fun and good luck!" Irri rushes out of the tent with her gift and with a smile. "Good luck Irri..." I murmur to myself while I close my eyes for a moment.

I look at my hands which are covered in blood. Why do I have blood on my hands? Suddenly a woman starts to scream from within a tent. The tent is covered in shadows and I hear someone chanting from within. I rush towards it and burst into the tent. "Daenerys! Are you okay?" I say in a desperate tone. When the tent's interior becomes clear I see a bathtub full of blood with Drogo in it. Inhuman shadows dance around the tents. Daenerys writhes in pain as Mirri kneels over her chanting in a strange language.

The tent is covered in blood. And ser Jorah is there as well covered in blood while wearing his armor. Jorah turns to me "Get out!" He screams at me. "Get out stupid child!" He pushes me back. I lose my balance at this sudden action. When I fall on my back the world is slightly blurry. As I stand up again I close my eyes to bright light. Slowly I open them and I see a huge funeral pyre. Daenerys stands in front of it and is about to walk into it. My eyes widen in shock. "Daenerys, don't! Please!" I plead. She walks into the fire and turns to me. Her clothes burn away and she smiles at me. "Don't worry Visenya. Fire can't kill a dragon." She somehow whispers into my ear. I can't help but agree. Jorah said that Rhaegar was the last dragon and Viserys probably thought he was. Both of them were wrong. Daenerys is the last one.

I wake up to a shaking sensation. "My lady?" A voice calls out. I shoot up gasping for air. "Ah! Are you alright?" The voice said. I look around and see Irri standing next to the bathtub. "Irri... I need to get dressed fast." I say in a raspy voice. "Uh, sure! Are you sure you are alright?" She says while gathering clothes. "Yes, yes, but I need to go," I say. When dressed I hurriedly leave the tent. I walk around camp towards the tent of Daenerys. I pay no attention to anything except my destination. Until I hear the voice of Jorah call out to me.

"Visenya what is wrong?" I hear Jorah say. I turn to him. "Where is Daenerys? I need to speak to her," I say. "She is with her husband. Have you seen what time it is? She is sleeping now," he says. I look to the sky and it is dark. "Damn..." I mutter. Jorah and I make our way to a fire and sit together. "What is going on Visenya? You look pale and cold" He asks. "I fell asleep during my bath and had a dream," I say. He nods and passes a wine flask to me. I take it and gulp some of it down. I am not a huge fan of alcohol but it helps a bit. I pass it back and scoot closer to the fire. Desperate for some warmth. "My dreams come true, Ser Jorah," I say. "You need sleep, my princess. You are speaking nonsense. You're probably delusional from the cold." I look at him. "Some time ago I saw Daenerys die at the hand of that assassin. I was able to prevent it because I dreamt it." He shakes his head. "That is not possible."

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