Chapter 94: Sansa and Aelyx

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I lay in bed as Irri examines my leg. It will only be a few days before we leave. My leg feels much better, and it is almost completely healed. I hope that I will not experience any complication in the coming days. Irri has become a very skilled healer, and in the last few weeks has been talking extensively with Samwell. Overall, I am very happy that she has become so skilled and that she enjoys the work. It certainly helps when I am wounded. "It seems your leg is healing well, my lady. You should be able to use it fully when you leave for King's Landing," Irri says as she cleans and put a clean bandage around the wound. I let out a sigh. "I'm happy to hear that. Thank you for taking care of me, Irri," I say. Daenerys nods. "Yes, thank you, Irri. I can't express how grateful I am," she says. "I'm happy to help, Khaleesi," Irri says.

I turn to Daenerys, who sits next to me on the bed. "What is on the agenda today? As far as I know, we don't have much planned," I ask Daenerys. "Only a meeting in the afternoon with Grey Worm to see how the army is doing," she says. "I'm finished, my lady. Please, take it easy and don't do any strenuous activities," Irri says as she collects her supplies. "I will, thank you, Irri." Irri smiles and leaves the room to help some of the other wounded men. "Shall we take a walk around the Godswood before we meet with Grey Worm?" I ask. Daenerys smiles as she stands up. "Sounds lovely," she says, and holds her arm out for me to take. I happily take it and off we go.

When we enter the courtyard that connects to the Godswood, we come across Sansa and Aelyx that are walking together. It seems they are also going to the Godswood. "Well, it seems all the couples are going to the Godswood today," I chuckle. Daenerys giggles and looks at Sansa and Aelyx. "It looks like it, they have been spending a lot of time together these last few days. I think Aly was right. It is only a matter of time," Daenerys says. I nod. "Yeah, I think so too." As Sansa is talking to Aelyx, she sees us walking in the same direction. Sansa says something to Aelyx and he looks in our direction before talking to Sansa again.

I look curiously at the two. "It seems something important is being discussed," I say. Daenerys smiles. "Hmm, you could say that. I think the time as come," she chuckles. My face lights up with a smile and I immediately steer Daenerys towards the two. Daenerys chuckles as she allows me to drag her with me. "Aelyx, Sansa, good morning!" I greet them. Both of them smile. "Good morning, Visenya, Daenerys," they greet us. "Good morning to you as well. Are you two going to the Godswood too?" Daenerys asks. "Yes, we are. Uhm, but we would like to tell you something," Aelyx says with cheeks that are slightly red. My smile grows. "Oh, and what would that be?" I ask. Sansa clear her throat a bit. "In last the last three months, I have grown to love your son. The experiences we both have experienced in our past, and facing the army of the dead, have put things into perspective for both of us. That is why we would like to ask for your blessing," Sansa says with confidence and sincerity.

Daenerys squeals in joy. "Oh, Sansa this is wonderful! Of course, you'll have our blessing!" She says while warmly embracing both Sansa and Aelyx. I quickly join, not wanting to miss out on the action. Sansa smiles brightly with cheeks that are red. Aelyx is completely red and a bit embarrassed. "Thank you, we appreciate it," Aelyx says. After embracing both of them for minutes long, we start to walk around in the Godswood. "I'm very happy for both of you. When do you want to marry?" I ask them. "We're not sure. I think after we defeat Cersei and Westeros is at peace. To start something new in a new Westeros," Aelyx says. Sansa nods and takes hold of the arm of Aelyx. "We don't want to rush anything, but I was hoping we could marry under Old Gods. I think my father would have appreciated it," Sansa says. "As long as you both agree. We are happy as long as you two are happy," Daenerys says happily. "I fully agree," I add.

When we arrive at the great weirwood tree, we sit down. "Have you told anyone else?" Daenerys asks curiously. Sansa sighs. "Arya probably knows, since she lurks in the shadows most of the time. Bran also knows, most likely. Because of those visions of his... my family is weird," she says, and I laugh loudly. "You could say that again. I think only you and Rickon are normal," I say. Sansa chuckles. "I know this is probably early to discuss, but will you join our family or will Aelyx join yours, Sansa?" Daenerys asks. "I will join yours, Daenerys," she says. "I'm happy to welcome you to our family, Sansa. We hope you will feel at home with us," I say with a smile.

The days went by after Sansa and Aelyx told us about their marriage. The bulk of our armies will move down the Kingsroad towards King's Landing. A small host will go to Dragonstone to meet up with Yara Greyjoy and then move to King's Landing. Jaime along with Sansa, Aelyx and Alysanne will be staying here in Winterfell. I'm not sure why Jaime wanted to stay in Winterfell. Aelyx wanted to stay because of Sansa and Alysanne is there so that she is safe.

Daenerys and I will go with the fleet and the dragons to Dragonstone to meet with Yara and explain the plan. During the whole trip, Daenerys and I take turns to watch over the fleet with the dragons. I am certain that Cersei won't have amassed a fleet in such a short notice, but just to be safe, we keep watch. It takes a few weeks to get from Winterfell to Dragonstone, but eventually we meet with Yara in the throne room along with Varys, Missandei, Tyrion, and Grey Worm. I feel bad for Yara. She lost her brother Theon when we fought the dead, and she was not present for the funeral. Daenerys already informed Yara about the death of Theon by raven, but I am sure she is still grieving.

As we enter through the large doors that lead into the throne room, I look around. It strangely feels like coming home from a long journey. "It's strange, but I'm happy to be back here," Daenerys says while she looks around. I smile a bit. "Yes, I know what you mean," I say. When we get close to the group, Yara walks towards us. It is just like I thought, her face is somber and grief can be seen in her eyes. "Your majesties," Yara greets us.

"Yara, I am glad to see you again. I'm sorry about Theon. I wish I could have saved him," I say. "You saw him die?" She asks. I shake my head. "No, the generals of the Night King prevented me from getting to Theon. I heard from Arya and Bran that the Night King killed him. Theon died with a weapon in hand while protecting Bran. He died honorably," I informed her. She looks at the ground and lets out a shaky breath. In complete surprise, she hugs me. "Thank you... it means a lot to me to hear this. That he died like a man." We soon move to the war room with the Painted Table. It feels weird to be back in this room. So much has happened and so much has changed when we were last here.

As we sit down around the table, I informed Yara of the plan to take out Cersei. "I will make sure that the Iron Fleet will keep out any food and supplies from entering the city. We can also provide a small and agile boat for the infiltration team," Yara says. "Thank you, Yara. The main army should be arriving and setting up the siege. We will meet you again soon," I say. After the meeting, we soon move from Dragonstone towards King's Landing. The final stretch of a long journey.

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