Chapter 59: Tyrion Lannister

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After the whole situation with Jorah, Daenerys and I went to our room to wait for Tyrion. He is currently being given food, a bath, and clean clothes.

Not much later we sit at a table. I sit in between Daenerys and Tyrion. Daenerys studies him for a moment. "So have you decided yet? Whether I am worthy of your service?" She asks him. I watch him closely, not in an unfriendly way but I am very curious about him. He acts strangely and is very blunt with his remarks. Also, he drinks a lot of wine, even more than Viserys did. He even fills the cups in front of me and Daenerys with wine. I rather avoid the wine for now.

He takes another long sip from his cup of wine. "Have you decided yet whether you're going to have me killed," he asks in return. "It is probably my safest option," Daenerys says. "I can see why you would think so. It's what your father would have done," he says. I glare at him. He should not make that comparison. "And what would your father do?" Daenerys asks. "My father?" Tyrion sighs. "Who publicly sentenced me to death? I'd say his thoughts on having me killed were abundantly clear."

"That is the reason why you killed him?" I ask. "Someday when your queen decides not to execute me, I'll tell you both all about why I killed my father. And on that day, should it ever come, we'll need a lot more wine than this," he answers and points to the pitcher with wine. I see, someone close to him that either got hurt or killed by his father.

Daenerys takes a sip from her cup before speaking. "I know what my father was. What he did. I know the Mad King earned his name," she says. "So here we sit, two terrible children of two terrible fathers," he says. I raise my eyebrows in surprise. He is one brave man, at least he insulted himself too. Daenerys also looks surprised. "I'm terrible?" She asks.

"I have heard stories," he says. "Why did you come here if Daenerys is terrible?" I ask irritated. "To see if she is the right kind of terrible," he answers. "Which kind is that," Daenerys asks. "The kind that prevents your people from being more so." Daenerys sighs. "I did reopen the fighting pits. Under my rule murder will once again become entertainment," she says.

"Yes, that was wise. And you agreed to cede power to someone you loath for the greater good. Very impressive. My sister married the king who she also loathed, though not by choice and certainly not for the greater good. She did end up killing him for more control and power," he says and takes another sip from his cup. "Gods, how could you..." I mutter. "It won't come to that. That I can promise you," Daenerys says and glances at me.

This causes a small smile to appear on Tyrion's face. "It is not impossible that Varys was right about you after all," he says. I frown. I think Barristan told me that he was the spymaster with his "little birds". I glance to Daenerys. She looks angry. "Varys? The spymaster of King Robert?" She asks with barely held back anger. Tyrion drinks heavily for a moment and refills his cup before he continues. "He was the one that convinced me to come to find you. He was my traveling companion before Ser Jorah seized that role for himself."

"Jorah sent my secrets to Varys. For twenty years the spider over the campaign to find and kill me," Daenerys says angrily. "He did what he had to do to survive. I suspect he's the main reason you weren't slaughtered in your crib," Tyrion says. "And you trust him?" Daenerys asked with raised brows. "Yes, oddly. He is the only person in the world that I trust. Besides my brother."

"Your brother broke his vows by killing the king. How can you trust such a person?" I ask. "He saved thousands of innocent lives by killing the Mad King. That was part of his vows too," Tyrion counters. "Perhaps I will have you killed after all," Daenerys says. "Your queenly prerogative. I had given up on life until Varys convinced me you might be worth living for. You chop my head off? Well, my final days were interesting," Tyrion responded. Rather calmly surprisingly. "I am not going to kill you," Daenerys says. I smile. She is learning fast. "No? Banish me?" Tyrion asks. "No," Daenerys says again. "So I am not going to be murdered, and I am not going to be banished..." he says. She looks intently at him. "You are going to advise me," she says.

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