Chapter 78: Winter is Coming

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After the fallen had been buried and the wounded were ready for transport, we made the journey back to Dragonstone. The journey should not take long only a day and a half depending on the weather. It was also just like I thought, we were barely able to fit everyone on the ships. I heard that Ellaria and the sand snakes survived the battle, but Obara and Tyene were heavily wounded. I was just happy that they survived as was Ellaria.

When I, Daenerys, and Aelyx came on board a girl ran towards us. My lips formed the biggest smile I could make. I fell to my knees and spread my arms wide to invite Alysanne in. When she crashed into me, I hugged her tightly without hurting her. "My little princess... I missed you so much! You have no idea how much I missed you," I say with happy tears leaving my eyes. Soon I felt two pairs of arms winding around me and Alysanne. Daenerys and Aelyx joined us in our embrace. The family is whole once more.

Apparently, the weather is good and we only have to sleep one night on the ships. I did not really mind though. I shared the cabin with only my family. Two beds were placed in the cabin, one for me and Daenerys and one for Aelyx and Alysanne. Sleep overtook us pretty fast. The emotional toll of the battle and burring the dead made us exhausted.

It is so cold. I never felt such coldness before. The winds feel so cold it felt as if someone is hitting me with an ice-cold whip. With chattering teeth, I look around me. It is dark.
In front of me are bodies. The whole area is littered with bodies. There are so many bodies that it is impossible to count how many there are. I look around to see if I recognize any of the bodies, I see three bodies huddled together. They hold each other tightly as if they died together, facing whatever killed them. Carefully I walk towards them. With each step I take, I hear the sound of snow being crushed under my feet.

I lower myself to see the faces of the three persons that are huddled together. When I see their faces, I feel even colder. It is Daenerys, Alysanne, and Aelyx. My hair stands right up and I feel the blood leaving my face. I want to scream in agony but the cold is preventing me from screaming. From my left side, I hear footsteps and I turn to see who it is.

What I see standing terrifies me to my core. Cold blue eyes stare right into my eyes. The humanoid figure has leathery skin and is deathly pale. He raises both his hands slightly in the air and all the corpses slowly come back alive. Their eyes open and blue dull lights emanate from the eye sockets. I turn back to my family and what I see horrifies me. They come back alive and stare at me with dead eyes that animate an icy blue color. Their bones crack and their icy skins tears slightly open as they stand up. They gurgle and screech while they stand up. When all three stand they lung at me with boney hands.

I wake up, screaming loudly. In fear, I look around and it seems I am back in the cabin. A warm hand touches my shoulder. My head snaps in the direction of where the hand came from. Daenerys looks at me with great worry. "Gods, you look deathly pale... what did you see?" She asks. I look at her with clear fear in my eyes. "The dead..." I whisper. She frowns with worry. Aelyx and Alysanne look at me with worry. "The dead?" Alysanne asks. I turn to her. She and Aelyx are shocked by how frightened I am. "When we defeat Cersei, we will focus on the army of the dead," Daenerys says reassuringly. I shake my head. "We need to focus on them first. They are a bigger threat than Cersei," I plead to Daenerys. She frowns. "Is it that bad?" She asks. I nod and give her my hand.

She looks at my hand and hesitantly takes in her own. As she concentrates to look at my vision, she soon bounces back. She looks with a pale face at me. Her eyes are filled with fear and worry. "We will call a meeting immediately when we arrive," she says with a shaky voice. I pull her close and she does the same. I feel her shaking in fear and I am probably as well. Both Alysanne and Aelyx join us to give us comfort. It helps but we did not continue our sleep.

The next day we arrive at Dragonstone. I board a rowboat with Daenerys, our kids, Yara, Ellaria, and Tyrion. As we touch the sands of Dragonstone, we are greeted by Jon, Irri, Missandei, and Grey Worm. I walk towards the group that welcomes us back to Dragonstone. First I walk to Jon. "Look who we have here. If it isn't the nephew of Daenerys. I am glad to finally meet you in person, Jon," I say with a smile and place a hand on his shoulder. "I am a bastard of Ned Stark, Your Grace. Even so, it is good to finally meet you," he says with a small smile. "No, you are the son of Rhaegar and Lyanna Stark. But you will believe me eventually." I chuckled and turned to the rest of the group.

"Missandei, I am glad to see you are doing well," I say and pull her in a hug. She smiles. "I am glad to see you are doing well, Your Grace," she says and hugs me back. "I missed your hugs," she whispered. I chuckle and look towards the others. Irri stands next to Missandei. I smile at her and pull her in a hug as well. "I missed you Irri. I am glad to see you are doing well," I say. She hugs me back. "I am glad to see you too, my lady," she says. I release her from my embrace and turn to Grey Worm.

"Grey Worm..." I smiled and we clasp our arms together. "I heard you fought hard, bravely, and won," Grey Worm says. I nod with a smile. "The Unsullied... we did not win," he says. I place a hand on his shoulder. "Grey Worm, you are alive. That is a victory," I say. He nods with a small smile.

I turn to someone that looks somewhat familiar. He is older and his beard is turning white slightly. "Who are you?" I ask him. Jon clears his throat. "This is Ser Davos Seaworth," Jon says. "It is an honor to meet you, Your Grace," he says. "I know you from somewhere..." I pondered out loud. He looks somewhat confused. He looks at Jon and then back to me. "I think I would remember if we've met before. You are not someone you would forget easily, Your Grace," he says awkwardly. "Ah! You were there when Jon came back. I remember now. It is good to meet you," I say warmly. "In any case, we need to hold an emergency war meeting. All of us," I say.

Jon looks confused. "We do?" He asks. Daenerys walks towards us. "Yes, my wife saw your army of the dead. I saw it as well... We will help you fight them," she says. He is visibly relieved to hear that. "Thank the gods," Jon sighs.

We soon walk towards the castle and enter the throne room. A small group of Dothraki approaches us. "Khaleesi, this man says he is your friend," they say in Dothraki. The Dothraki part way and reveal Ser Jorah. I smile and tear up a bit. By the looks of it, Daenerys is also very happy to see him. "He is my friend," she says. He kneels in front of Daenerys. "Your Grace," he says with a smile. I walk up to him. "Stand up you fool," I say with a chuckle. He stands up and smiles at me. I pull him in a tight hug. "It is good to see you, my friend," I say. "It is good to be back."

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