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*Oddly I became complacent quiet fast. Faster than I ever thought I would in an actual relationship. Considering this was my first real one. It seemed easier. Days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months. I had a routine down. How he liked it*

Oi! Y/n. You ready for tonight....

*Kai barged into my dressing room without even knocking. He liked to remind everyone he was the boss by doing this ever so often but I had gotten used to it.*

Yes Kai. Remember the timing, as soon as 1:45 hits im off that fuckin stage or its both of our asses.

Yea I know.....You shouldn't let your boyfriend be so controlling. You'll lose customers...he has a-

Its been 8 months and I have yet to lose a single one. Honestly it's kinda hurtful that you think I only keep my customer with my body Kai.

Ugh come on you know I didnt mean it like that. But come on

Kai are you really one to be giving relationship advice?


Good. Now go.

*I finish putting on my "outfit" a thin fish net dress with nothing but a black sequence thong, black tape over my nipples. I fix my hair. So it hangs in waves. I sigh trying to shake off the nerves*

Let's get this over with....

*I walk out to the main hall
the night Shinso set "rules" for me, playing in my head sending shivers down my spine.*

*The thought of the first time I broke ONE of those rules played in my mind next, he made me write them all 1000 times like a child. Tonight I would be breaking multiple rules.
Why exactly? I couldn't figure that out myself..
Maybe to feel some sort of freedom? Maybe to feel like my old self again. Not that I didnt like my relationship.
He made me happy. He made me alot of things.....but sometimes I missed old me*

Hey there Doll. Its been awhile.

*I look up from my feet stopping in my tracks seeing Dabi. A bright smile crossed my face. I hadn't seen him since the night I met Shinso*

Ey Dabi been awhile. Everything been okay?

Uh...ya....just work stuff you know. So what you....got going on hmm....

*his eyes trailing up and down my form. The familiar burning for the blue eyed man built instantly fallowed by guilt. I avoided his gaze.*

I told Kai I would dance tonight....not that the bastard wouldn't have left me alone if I told him no.

Speechless yn x Shinso Where stories live. Discover now