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*our naps were short lived. Very very short lived. Almost, only an hour after we all fell asleep there was a loud bang on the door. Loud enough for the door frame to crack.
I growled sleepily as my small body was being shifted.
Opening my eyes seeing a half awake Qury walking toward the door.
My eyes widen watching her reach for the handle.

'Shit! Qury, wait don't unlock-'

* I tried to push through a connecting link with her,
it was too late,
the door slammed open,
throwing her back onto the bed the moment she unlocked it.
The rest of the girls jumped up in their sleep like states. Frantically looking around trying to make sense of what was happening.
Several of Stains men rushed into the room.
Grabbing the other girls and throwing them over their shoulders.
Alnisa of course, needed three grown men and a pair of zip tie handcuffs, still kicking frantically as they were all pulled from the room.
All the men left, leaving me there, Looking down I stare at my paws realizing they hadn't noticed me. Non of them must of seen me use my quirk. Good.
Deciding to hide I run off the side of the bed and hide in the small cubby of one of the nightstands.*

Sir! We got three of them in the van. But one is missing! We have no idea where one of em went....

*the frantic man's voice stopped.
The sounds of a struggle and harsh gasping noises peaked my curiosity. 
Peaking my head out of my small hiding place silently,
Seeing in the doorway, holding the body guard up by his throat with ease was Sylas.*

Tell me...was there a small cat amongst the girls as you idiots stormed in here like the fuckin 5-0?

* The man kicked wildly and scratched at Sylas's arm.
The man nodded his head and Sylas sighed dropping the man to the ground.
His eyes instantly looked back into the room.
I pulled myself back into my hiding spot as fast as I could.
Shrinking back down, hoping he didn't spot me*

Well she couldn't have gotten far,
Check everywhere in this damn house until you find that fucking cat...

*I could hear him move around the room,
And sit on the bed.
From the sounds of it he was relatively close so I didn't move a muscle.
He made a low chuckle sound and a small thud came from the night stand above my head.*

The cameras in the living room show you didn't leave this room... So I think it would be best for everyone if you would stop fuckin around.

* Taking the hint.
I slowly started to move.
Jumping out of the small cubby.
The moment my paws touched the floor, Sylas's giant boot smacked into my side sending me flying into the wall next to the door.
I crumble to the floor gasping for air,
my vision wavers and there was a high pitched noise vibrating threw my ears. Before I could move or even process what just happened, I was being lifted up by the back of my neck*

Tsk'  you're lucky the boss gave specific instructions to not kill you....but almost kill you...now that's something he didn't say not too do.

*I thrashed around, scratching at whatever I could. I yelped as he threw me in the air. His blue eyes come into view for a moment. 
And then darkness, I tried opening my eyes but was unable to see much. Opening my mouth to take a breath, my tongue hit something rough and salty. The pressure around my head became unbearable.
My body hung freely so I took the opertunity to feel around.
My tiny paws feel his pinky on one side of my head and his thumb on the other side.
This giant man had my entire head in the palm of his hand.*

Those fuckin heros are going to regret coming to America.
Shoulda kept their noses out of shit, trying to ruin the bosses plans.
I think it's only fair we take something from them huh? Maybe....kill you all before killing them...the boss shouldn't be upset it's only fair.

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