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*I pressed my back to the cold spray painted concrete wall.
Crossing my arms over my chest.
Trying my hardest to ignore the cold breeze that blew threw the small alleyway.

The small blue light flightering only made the
Situation a little more ominous.*

So bird brain....bacon bits. What can i do for you?

*I asked in a sarcastic tone waiting for one of them to reply neither of them had addressed me yet and it started to annoy me.
They had been small talking, standing between me and the door.
Dabi's blue eyes
snap over to me with a glare.*

I'd be patient if I were you.

*I looked to Hawks with my eye brows raised.
His golden eyes narrow.
His demainer becoming more serious.*

Fine, but I'm fuckin freezing, we could have had this conversation in one of the hundreds of private rooms or ya know. My office....er...dressing room don't ya think?!

*I huffed out frustrated.
Dabi tilts his head smiling sadistically.
He held his hand up letting a chain unravel from his fist.*

You really need to watch your tone doll.

*Dabi lowered his hand the chain dragging acrossed the black top as he made his way over to me.
He leaned over me flicking my quirk collar with his index finger.*

You're not exactly in a position to make a quick get away now are you??

*I studied his devious smile. The staples on his cheek pulled slightly, showing where they separated.*

Wh....at do y...ou w..ant

*I stumbled over my words,
The cold really starting to get to me.
Hawks casually walked around leaning against the wall on the other side of me. his hands still shoved in his pockets.*

Well kid....the boss feels...he lost his grip on you and you see...he doesn't like that.

*I snapped my head over looking at hawks with my eyebrows pressed together.*

I....I dont understand, I haven't seen him since.....

*Hawks and Dabi chuckled at the same time.
One of Hawks red feathers hovered infront of the my face,
within a blink of an eye it was gone.
A sting accrossed my cheek made me grasp,
I slowly lifted my hand touching it to where the sting came from.
I pulled my fingers away seeing a thin line of blood.*

Oh you've seen him several time since then kid....you just don't remember. For... reasons...but still...

*My heart race quickens feeling Hawks leaned over me,
his face so close to my ear
I could feel his lips as he spoke*

You've some how managed to block his mind link from giving you orders. And well...he doesn't like being able to not contact his prized possession when he needs to.... so....we're here...to help

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