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*I woke up in a haze, my vision was extremely blurry, I could feel the soft velvet sheets under me and a plush Comforter ontop of my sore body.
I wiggled to sit up, rubbing my eyes. Feeling the sting of a migraine in my head*

Fuckin hell Alnisa I am never drinking with you again...

*I mumbled to myself, trying to remember anything after the shots she had me pour down my throat. The sound of someone clearing their throat brought me out of my inner monolog.*

Oh....you're up ill go get the boss....

*my vision came back just in time to see the back of a dark brown curly headed women leave.*

Who the fuck was....actually....where the fuck.....erm....I really need to stop talking to myself

*I crawled to the edge of the bed throwing my legs over the soft mattress letting my legs hang. Before I could push myself up, the door opened again and the same curly headed girl walks in holding a trey. Her bright green eyes narrowed at me.*

You probably shouldn't get up. Here the boss told me to bring this too you. He'll be in here in a few.

*I watched as she walked over to me. I couldn't help but to watch her chest bounce with everystep she took. It was hard not to, when all she had on was a low cut crop top with a long sleeve fishnet shirt over it. Her hips swayed shifting her red skin tight skirt. She was barefoot and wearing fishnets stockings as well. But what really cought my attention was the locked collar around her neck surrounded by hickies on her tanned skin*

So um...who's your boss?

*I muttered out finally breaking the silence once she made it to the bed, the room was dark only a bit of sunlight coming threw that helped me see as much as i could. She sat the trey down handing me two pills from it and a glass of water. I took them with no hesitation and threw them back swallowing them without drinking the water. She raised an eye brow at me in amusement*

Honestly, would say I'm hurt you don't remember me y/n but to be perfectly honest I don't care.

*she sat the cup on the trey picking it up and sitting it on the desk that wasn't too far from the bed. I rubbed my temples. As if the act would bring back any memories or the girls name or ease the pounding in my head*

Lee, leave her the fuck alone. You know better...

*my attention shifted to the door seeing Bakugo standing in the door way, his arms folded over his chest, his red eyes glaring at the girl. I looked back at her, she was staring at the floor avoiding looking up at him, a smirk on her pierced red lips*

Wait....Lee...LLLEEEE?!? why the fuck.....how....what

*The pounding became stronger with my own yelling stopping me from my speal. My eyes were half opened. I could see Bakugo pinching the bridge of his nose*

Well if the hero society had it their way she would be dead but she's not...anyways you got more concerning matters than my house pet.

Speechless yn x Shinso Where stories live. Discover now