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*Stain stared down at me for a moment, almost as if he was debating on what to say next.
His thin lips twitched and his bored, unreadable expression returned.*

Smart kid....

*I look between the big guy he called Silas and him.
Silas cracked his neck.
A smirk plastered on his face. Looking back down at Lee as she started to sit up on her own.*

Try anything stupid again and we will be returning all of you back to the pros in body bags.

*Silas says in a sinister voice,
I watch his eyes as they drift back over my shoulder to where Qury sat.
Glancing over my shoulder to her confused face.
Her confustion turning into realization and then panic
as she turns to lock eyes with me. We both knew he was purposfully threatening her unborn baby*

You fuckin touch her you'll die.

*My eyes shift to my cat ones as I turn to face him once more. Unsupervised by the man's laugh I allowed my eyes to shift back. We were stuck. He knew it, we knew and the pros will soon know it. We had become bargaining chips. But for why. I turned my attention back to Stain*

So you escaped prison in Japan...to what? Start a cult in America? What does that have to do with us? Or the pros from Japan...

*Stain didn't even look at me as he turned around and started to walk off. I blinked confused. He really wasn't like any other villian or bad guy out there. In some weird way I still admired his ideologies, the hero world was more corrupt than the villains.*

I've got a...sorta score to settle here, and it seems like the hero society wasn't to please that I escaped Japan's top security prison.

*his head twisted in an almost unnatural way, looking back over at me a smug grin pulled at his lips. His uneven teeth had drool dripping from them. A weird glint to his eyes.*

I'll give the four of you two....no wait....three options....
One, come with me.
I see potential in the lot of you, id like to test your quirks.
Two, stay here in this warehouse and...entertain my men until your heros come to "save" you.
Or three, do something stupid and get you all killed.
The choice is yours kitten.

*I blinked confused looking around the large spacious warehouse, there wasn't a square foot that didn't have some type of villian with a mask over their face. I looked over my shoulder looking at Qurys stomach than up to her. Giving her the same reassuring smile that I gave her when we first fell out of the Van.*

Take me. Only me. But release them. Please. Tsk' see my quirk alone is more powerful than theirs combined. Plus I have a power boost from all for-...

*Stains smile faded, his body shifted to be even with how his head was turned. Lazily walking over to stand right in front of me.
Being uncomfortably close,
I clinched my hands by my side.*

That wasn't an option was it?

*there was no way out of this, that became obvious rather quickly. I wanted so desperately to break eye contact, look away. Back up, something to get away from the man that had killed hundreds of heros. Quirk users much more powerful than me. Or any of us, I took a deep breath.*

Speechless yn x Shinso Where stories live. Discover now