25. 💜sarrow💜

22 1 9

*I finally came too, blurred vision, I was sitting on a bar stool. My head against the cold counter top.
When I sat up there was a scotch glass filled with water sitting in front of me.*

I apologize, I didn't realize you weren't aware.

*My eyes shot to the left of me. All for one was by my side in the seat next to me. He gestured at the cup and I listened. Sitting up straight I took the glass and threw it back with one gulp. Luckily it really was just water. I Sat the glass down and looked over at him with what little emotions I could force onto my face*

What do you want? There's nothing I can offer you.
I'm still unsure what you wanted me for the last time and clearly it didn't work then. I don't know what-.....

*He lifted his hand to stop me from talking. Which of course I obeyed, though he didn't have eyes the expression on his face was calm almost relaxed.*

You provided me with exactly what I needed.
You distracted my brother and proved your body can withstand more than what ten grown men would have died from.

*I tilted my head, serverly confused by what he meant. But I was no fool I knew better than to question or get  impatient with the man.
His smile grew wider, as if my confusion pleased him in some weird way*

You see miss. Y/n everytime I gave you an order you did so without question and then I'd take your memory of the orders. Taking you back to the first conversation. So you were always waiting on a mission that, in your mind never truly came.
But in reality you did. Everytime for over a year.

*It felt like my heart stopped.
I hadn't remember anything he had me do.
My breathing increased, a million questions raced threw my mind.*

It's because of some of those missions I had sent you on, I was able to escape prison my dear.

*I stood from my bar stool, and the smile on his face vanished. He pointed back at it without giving the order to sit down, again I obliged and did what he said.*

Anyone else I've tried this on either went mad or died. But not you. You survived it all. The transfer of strength. Everything. You even aided in the extermination of stain like I ordered you too.
Though I never gave exact instructions on how to do it and you took that freedom a different way than I thought you would....
You still fallowed that threw perfectly. And then the last order I gave.
You did that beautifully as well.

*His face pointed lower at me as if examining my torso. I cupped my hands over the small of my stomach, as if doing so would block him from seeing whatever he was looking at, I knew what he was hinting at, but that only raised more questions.*

Speechless yn x Shinso Where stories live. Discover now