Chapter One

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(*It has been a few days since all nine of the Kiss guys did the ice bucket challenge, which you can read in the final dare of truth or dare with Kiss Book #29*)

Paul: Ohh God..,that was terrible!

Mark St. John: It took me FOREVER to get all that red Kool-Aid stuff off of my hair, and Bruce had to help me reach the areas I couldn't get to.

Gene: I swear on my mother's grave, that I will not fall for that bullshit again.

Me: *giggles* You guys are such drama queens sometimes, especially you glitter britches.

Paul: It was funny in the end, no doubt about it.

Ace: We just never expected something like that to happen, y'know?

Eric Singer: KellerSinger18 had to help me get clean in my animal form, and she ended up using one of her Bath and Body works shower gel on my fur, and I had to take another shower to get the feminine smell off of me.

KellerSinger18: Oh Eric, it made you look so cute! *hugs the second Catman*

Eric Singer: *chuckles and hugs KellerSinger18 back* I know baby, but I prefer my manly soap.

Me: I got the idea to add red Kool-Aid for the final dare in Book #29 from a YouTube video during the year when people were making videos of themselves or their friends doing the ice bucket challenge. Back then, it was a way to raise awareness and find a cure for ALS, which is some kind of disease.

Gene: I remember when we did the ice bucket during one of our shows.

Tommy: Yeah, it was for a friend of ours.

Me: I saw that video! It was so funny. 😆

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