Chapter Eight

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Vixen91: Hey guys! *is riding on a Clydesdale horse*

Ace: WHAT THE WHAT?! *steps backwards and falls down on his a$$*

Me: Yay! We're going horseback riding!

Vixen91: *leads everyone else to the stables*

Me: Everyone pick out a horse to ride. I'm choosing this pretty solid black horse. *feeds the horse an apple while brushing her mane*

Paul: Wow! These horses look great!

(*Gene walks up to a gray Arabian horse*)

Horse: *lets out a big fart*

Gene: Ohhh! 😵‍💫

(*Everyone else laughs and then they pick out their own horse ride*)

Me: Good horsey. *pets the horse gently*

Eric Carr: *is frolicking amongst the flowers while chasing a butterfly*

(*Two hours later...*)

Vixen91: Guys, it's time to put the horses back in the stables.

All nine of the Kiss guys and the girls: Okay!

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