Chapter Ten

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Me: Another dare!

Suzy-add laxatives to the Starchild's coffee.

Paul: *takes a sip of coffee from his Kiss Starchild mug* Wait a second...this coffee tastes funny.

(*When Paul took another sip of the coffee, he immediately felt sick to his stomach and he teleported quickly to the nearest bathroom*)

Suzy: *knocks on the door* Hey glitter britches! How did you like the extra ingredient I added to your coffee?

Paul: Huh? *takes care of his business, flushes the toilet, and then comes out of the bathroom* What are you talking about Suzy?

Suzy: *grins mischievously as she holds up a package of laxatives*

Paul: 😱 W-why would do to that to me?

Eric Carr: *laughs* Ooh, she got you good, Paul.

Paul: *hears his stomach growling* Ohh...this really hurts. *goes back to the bathroom and locks the door behind him*

Eric Carr: The joke's on you Starchild! 😜

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