Chapter Twenty-Four

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Me: Oooh...Vixen91 has a dare. What's it going to be?

Vixen91: *giggles* I'm going to secretly film the guys while they're doing something embarrassing.

Me: LOL! 😂

(*So, Vixen91 gets her video camera ready and then, she sneaks over to the room in the spare building where the guys do workouts and exercise*)

Vixen91: *stands outside the door while holding up her video camera*

Paul: Okay guys, let's do this!

(*The four present-day Kiss guys are trying to a pyramid cheerleading pose*)

Tommy: Careful Paul, I'm trying to keep my balence.

Gene: Ow! Eric, you kicked me in the nose.

Eric Singer: Sorry Gene. I had to—

Paul: WHOA!

(*All four of the present-day Kiss loose their balance and they fall down on top of each other, and luckily, they landed on the soft mat*)

Paul: bicep tendon.

Gene: *groans painfully* We are NOT doing that again.

Eric Singer: *gets up off the mat and walks away to get a drink of water like nothing had ever happened* You guys okay over there?

Tommy: *gets up on his knees while holding his shoulder* I think I hurt my shoulder.

Vixen91: *giggles quietly and then sneaks onto the next room*

(*Vixen91 heads outside to the garden where she finds Peter in his animal form watching the Koi fish swimming in the pond*)

Ace: *is relaxing on a lawn chair while reading a rock band magazine*

Peter: *leans forward a little bit and tries to paw a Koi fish that swam closer towards him, and then he looses his balance and accidentally falls into the pond*


Ace: Oh crud! Peter, are you okay man?

Peter: *crawls out of the Koi fish pond shivering and soaking wet* *Meooww* (Help...)

Ace: *runs over to the Koi fish pond to help Peter, but then accidentally trips over one Emily's cat toys and falls into the water*


Vixen91: *giggles and then walks back inside before Ace and Peter sees her*

(*In the Egyptian bedroom...*)

Vixen91: *sneaks over to the door and holds up her video camera to record scene*

Vinnie: God f*cking dammit. I can't find my lucky shirt, and I will not play my guitar without it.

Me: Didn't you put it in the washing machine to be cleaned?

Vinnie: Oh yes! I did that yesterday.

(*But when Vinnie opened the washing machine, he discovered that his he
lucky shirt had been washed with all the white shirts, and now the yellow color on his lucky shirt is on the white shirts*)

Me: *gets ready for a lot of loud noises*

Vinnie: 😱

Me: Here we go...

Vinnie: 🤬 *is now loudly cursing in hieroglyphics*

Vixen91: *is thinking in her mind: "Oh no, poor Vinnie is really mad now", and then quietly walks away from the area*

(*Later on that day...after a day at the zoo...*)

KellerSinger18: *walks into the spare building while carrying Gia in a baby carrier* Hi! We're back!

Eric Singer: Hello my darlings! *excitedly rushes over to give KellerSinger18 hugs and kisses*

Baby Gia: Dada!

KellerSinger18: *giggles* Aww! Gia missed her Cat Daddy.

Eric Carr: Hey you two! Where have y'all been all day?

KellerSinger18: Me and Gia went out to the zoo, as it was cheaper to bring one adult and one child for the day.

Me: *teleports into living room with ice packs and ibuprofen* Here you go!

Paul: *is lying down on the sofa* Oh...thank you Emily. *takes the ibuprofen with a drink of water*

Tommy: Thank you Emily. *puts the ice pack on top of his hurt shoulder* Ohhh...that really hurts.

KellerSinger18: What happened to you two?

Paul: Gene thought it would be cool to post a a video of me, him, Tommy, and Eric Singer doing that pyramid thing that cheerleaders do, and we screwed up miserably.

Tommy: And now, we're in a lot of pain right now.

Me: But what about Gene and Itty Bitty Kitty?

Paul: Gene only got off with a small concussion, and he went to bed early so his injury can heal. And Eric Singer didn't even seem bothered by the fact that we almost killed ourselves over a stupid video.

KellerSinger18: Well, I'm no expert. But you two should probably take it easy for a little while until you're all better.

Tommy: *groans painfully as he moves his arm a little bit to to the side* That's what we've been planning on doing.

(*Just then, there were screams coming from Bruce Kulick's bedroom*)

(*A few minutes later, Bruce and Eric Carr came into the living covered in different colors of glitter from head to toe*)

Me: *snickers* What happened to the Fox and the Dog?

Bruce: A few minutes ago, a pumpkin literally appeared out of nowhere by my bedroom winds and when Eric and I cut it open, there was a glitter bomb inside the pumpkin and it exploded all over us.

Vixen91: *comes out after secretly viewing the footage that she got from secretly filming the Kiss guys doing something embarrassing*

Suzy: *had just teleported back to the spare building after working her volunteer job at the animal shelter* Hey guys! I'm back form my shift!

Eric Carr: *blushes when he sees his vixen*

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