Chapter Two

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Me: Hello guys! We have our first dare for this book. And today, we're introducing our new friend who will be appearing in Truth or Dare With Kiss Book #30!

(*All the Kiss guys are whooping with joy*)

Me: Come on in!

Shark puppet: YEAH!

Ace: *cackles* It's an itty bitty shark puppet!

Shark puppet: YEAH!

(*Here's a link to Youtube if you want to see some Shark puppet videos*)

Me: Shark puppet is a new thing that I love to watch on YouTube!

Suzy: Aw, he's cute!

Shark puppet: *looks up at Suzy* Thank you.

Me: Anyway, our first dare is one of you guys to make a video with Shark puppet.

Eric Carr: *raises his hand excitedly* Oh me me me!

Me: *giggles* Okay Fox. Go ahead.

(*So, Eric Carr and Shark puppet go to the studio room in the spare building to make a video together*)

(*Tommy Thayer helps them set up the cameras and equipment while Ace Frehley helps Eric Carr make a Fox puppet*)

Shark puppet: *is looking around for something, and then screams like a toddler*

Eric Carr: What's up Shark puppet?

Shark puppet: Someone took my cheese.

Eric Carr: That gives me an idea for a video that we can do together for the first dare!

Shark puppet: YEAH!

(*After a while, Eric Carr has made a Fox puppet and he has it on his hand, and Tommy has just finished setting up the Go Pro camera*)

Tommy: And...ACTION!

Shark puppet: *looks at the camera* Okay. Someone took my cheese. So, time to find out.

Eric Carr: *makes his Fox puppet eat some Cheetos* Oom! Nom! Nom! Nom! 

Shark puppet: *goes up to Fox puppet* DID YOU TAKE MY CHEESE?

Eric Carr: *speaks in a high-pitched voice* Oh No. I did not take your cheese.

Shark puppet: *makes his way over to Paul's bedroom door, grabs the doorknob and turns it to open the door*

Paul: Um...hi?

Shark puppet: Did you take my cheese?

Paul: No?

Fox puppet: Maybe we can ask the Egyptian Warrior. I saw him earlier today in the kitchen.

(*Fox puppet and Shark puppet go into the kitchen*)

Vinnie: Mmm...Emily will love this.

Shark puppet: *goes up to the Ankh Warrior* Did you take my cheese?

Vinnie: No, but I found this in the back of the refrigerator.

Shark puppet: CHEESE! *steals the thing of cheese from Vinnie*

Vinnie: Hey! That's for my girlfriend! *runs after Shark puppet*

Shark puppet: *screams like a toddler* AAAAH!

Fox puppet: No! Don't steal Vinnie's stuff!

Vinnie: *steals the cheese back from Shark puppet*

Tommy: Cut!

Eric Carr: *laughs* That was hilarious!

Shark puppet: I want my cheese!

Vinnie: Okay, here you go. *gives the thing of cheese to Shark puppet by putting it in his mouth*

Shark puppet: *eats some of the cheese* YEAH!

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