Chapter Sixteen

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(*A week later, KellerSinger18 and Eric Singer returned to the spare building after going on vacation for a week to the Bahamas*)

KellerSinger18: We had so much fun on our vacation, didn't we babe?

Eric Singer: Yes, we sure did.

Me: We're glad you guys are back with us safe and sound.

KellerSinger18: Aww! Thanks Emily!

Me: And I just remembered that today is someone's birthday.

Vixen91: It's mine!

All of Kiss: Happy birthday Vixen91!

Me: While the surprise is in working progress, let's do what Suzy wanted to do!

Paul: And what would that be? *is holding Baby Gia in his lap*

Me: You guys have to go and get your warpaint on! 'Cause we're going a photoshoot!

All of Kiss: Okay!

Me: Hey Suzy! How about we wear custom-made costumes and the Kiss makeup of our boyfriends?

Suzy! Aww! That'll be cuteness overload! Let's go get ourselves ready, my foxy!

(*So, all the Kiss guys go and get their warpaint on while the girls very themselves ready in the guest room, as they are wearing their boyfriend's Kiss costume and makeup*)

Me: *blushes deeply as I look at myself in the mirror* Vinnie is gonna be surprised when he sees me all dressed up like this.

Eli: And the same goes for my Petey-Bear!

Suzy: My Little Caesar will look so cute in the photo shoot.

Vixen91: I thought it would be cool if we had different backgrounds for the guys based on their Kiss makeup.

Me: That's cool! As long as we don't use something scary for Gene, because baby Gia might get spooked by the Demon's background.

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