Chapter Seven

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Me: *whispers to herself while hiding in the closet* This is gonna be the ultimate prank that has ever been done.

(*A few minutes later...*)

Suzy: I can't wait to see what Emily wants to show us.

Me: *opens the door* Hi girls! *then sees a scary monster* AAAAAH! *falls to the floor*

KellerSinger18: Emily...are you okay?

Suzy: Oh no...I think she's...

(*The next morning, all the guys and the girls stand before my open coffin, with my "dead" body laying inside*)

(*Everyone is crying and Vinnie is crying the most as he places a little gold and black box with a ring inside on my chest*)

KellerSinger18: I can't believe it! We killed Emily!

Suzy: No! Don't say that. All they know is that we found her like that.

KellerSinger18: T-then what are we gonna do?!

Suzy: We'll just give it a few days so we can figure something out.

KellerSinger18 O-okay.

(*Sometime later that night...*)

(*Suzy is having a dream where she and KellerSinger18 are visiting Emily's grave*)

KellerSinger18: AAH!

Me: *as a zombie* Hellllllooo girrrlls...

Suzy: W-we didn't mean to scare you that bad!

Me: Ohhhh really??? *slowly takes out my scythe*

KellerSinger18: You gotta believe us Emily! We're your friends!

Me: WAHAHAHAHAHA! The time has come!

Suzy: F-for what?!

Me: TO MEET YOUR DOOM! WHAHAHAHAHA! *slices Suzy and KellerSinger18 by the lower torso and cackles evilly as they scream bloody murder, the blood spluttering everywhere*

(*Back into the real, waking world*)

Suzy: *wakes up sweating* Huh?! Oh...bad dream. *then feels a sudden urge to pee* Oh no...*makes it to the toilet* Phew...made it.

KellerSinger18: Suzy!

Suzy: What the?! KellerSinger18, what are you doing in my bathroom?

KellerSinger18: I just had a dream where Emily back from the dead and tried to kill us! Did you?! Huh?! Did you?!

Suzy: Um....yes? What are you trying to say?

KellerSinger18: We need to go to cemetery and burn Emily's body so her spirit can Rest In Peace.

Suzy: Will you let me use the bathroom in peace if I agree with you?

KellerSinger18: Of course I will! Meet me at the train station in ten minutes! *runs out the door*

(*In the cemetery*)

KellerSinger18: *is holding up a flashlight* Can you see anything?

Suzy: *grunts* I'm trying! *lifts the coffin out from underneath the ground*

KellerSinger18: *opens the coffin* She looks so peaceful...nothing like a zombie.

Suzy: Maybe we were being silly...let's just go home.

(*All of a sudden, Emily rises up the grave*)


Suzy: *screams* AAAAHHH!


Suzy: RUN!

(*Both Suzy and KellerSinger18 run for their lives as Emily cackles like a wicked banshee*)

Suzy: There's the exit!

KellerSinger18: *trips over a string a bunch of egg yolks and toilet paper are thrown*

Suzy: What the heck?

Me: I guess you girls have gotten yourself into a...


Me: *turns back to normal*...into a sticky situation!

All nine of the Kiss guys, including Eli and Vixen91: We pranked you!

KellerSinger18: Huh?!

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