Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Me: Hey y'all! Just three more dares/truths to go until this book is finished. Then, I'll move on to start Truth or Dare With Kiss Book #31

(*All of the Kiss guys are whooping with joy*)

Me: Alrighty then! Let's get to it! We also have a special dare for the king of pop Michael Jackson.

MJ: play with Dixie the fox.

Me: *claps hands and Michael Jackson appears*

Michael Jackson: W-what?? Huh?

Me: Applehead! *gives MJ a hug*

Michael Jackson: Oh hello Emily! I was wondering how I got here. *gives me a hug*

Me: You've been dared to play with Dixie, my new pet fox!

Michael Jackson: *giggles* Okay! Where is she?

Me: Dixie! Come here girl!

(*A few minutes later, Dixie the fox comes running from outside after she'd been playing with Suzy, Vinnie, and Eric Carr in the backyard*)

(*The female fox yips happily as she jumps through the doggy door that's on the back door so that Suzy or any of the Kiss guys who have animal forms can come in*)

Me: Dixie! There you are! *pets Dixie's neck and she rolls on her back, swishing her fluffy fox tail excitedly*

Michael Jackson: Aww! Hi Dixie. *extends out his hand so he can allow Dixie to sniff his scent and get to know him*

Dixie the fox: *lies down in Michael's lap, yipping happily*

Michael Jackson: *pets Dixie the fox gently* I love animals.

Me: *giggles* Me too.

Vinnie-give all the foxes a piece of raw meat as a treat.

Vinnie: Ughh...I don't like anything to do with meat, because I'm a vegetarian.

(*Vinnie calls Suzy, Eric Carr, and Dixie to come and get a treat and they all come running into the kitchen*)

Dixie the fox: *steals a piece of raw meat from the refrigerator*

Vinnie: What the—? Hey!

Dixie the fox: *yips happily as she hides underneath the kitchen table and began to eat her piece of raw meat*

Suzy: *yips excitedly, sitting down and waits patiently for her treat*

Eric Carr: *does the same thing as Suzy*

Vinnie: *pinches his nose with his fingers and uses his other hand to give Suzy and Eric Carr their piece of raw meat as a treat* That was so disgusting. 😖

Suzy and Eric Carr: *both eat their treats*

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