Chapter Six

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Ace- how long can you spit watermelon seeds at shark puppet?

Ace: I dunno. *shrugs his shoulders* Let's find out!

Me: Okay! *gives Ace a slice of watermelon*

Ace: *eats some of the watermelon, holding the seeds in his mouth, and then spits them out at shark puppet*

Shark puppet: *screams like a toddler*


Vinnie-prank the Fox with banana slugs.

Vinnie-prank the Fox with banana slugs

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Vinnie: *chuckles* Okay.

(*So, the Ankh Warrior goes outside with a bucket and he walks to the garden to collect the banana slugs and he puts them in the bucket*)

(*After he's done, Vinnie brings them into the Fox's den*)

Vinnie: *carefully puts the banana slugs all over Eric Carr's face in the shape of a mustache, then teleports to the Egyptian bedroom to find a place to hide*

(*A few minutes later, the Fox woke up to the feeling of something wet and slimy touching his face*)

Eric Carr: *scrunches his eyebrows in confusion* What the heck?

(*When the Fox looks in the mirror, he started screaming*)

Gene: *runs into the Fox den* What's the matter Eric?

Eric Carr: Somebody put these slugs all over my face...Ewww! They're slowly moving around my cheeks.

Gene: *chuckles* They're just banana slugs.

Me: *happens to walk by* Yeah, all they do is move very slowly.

Vinnie: *is hiding in the closet in the Egyptian bedroom while covering his mouth with his hand* He's such a little goofball. 😅

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