Chapter Eighteen

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The host-prank any Kiss member of your choice in any way you want.

Me: *sneaks into Ace's bedroom early in the morning*

Ace: *is sleeping in bed while snoring lightly with his mouth hanging open*

(*The host up a taser, pressing down on the red button, and uses the taser on the original spaceman*)

Ace: *feels a little shock go through him* Oww!

Me: *is already running out the door before Ace can spot me*

Ace: *groans as he touches the area where he got tased*

Me: *sneaks over to Gene's bedroom door and plays a video*

Gene: *wakes with a startle* What in the name of KISSteria?!

Me: *plays the video again*

Gene: *puts on his bathrobe and gets up put of bed to open the door*

Me: *runs away before Gene catches me*

Gene: *opens the door to find that no one is there* Stupid kids...

(*The host sneaks over to the Egyptian bedroom door*)

Me: *plays a scary sound effect video*

Vinnie: *wakes up* Mmm...hello?

Me: *quietly giggles from outside the Egyptian bedroom door*

Vinnie: Oh God no! Wait a minute...where's Emily?

Me: *does an Invisibillity trick and walks into Egyptian bedroom*

Vinnie: *hears a female voice calling him*

Me: Vinnnieee...*wraps my arms around him* I love you.

Vinnie: Huh? Emily, is that you?

Me: *moans and holds Vinnie close to me and then falls asleep*

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