Chapter Fourteen

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(*The host peeks into recording studio where Eric, Paul, Gene, and Tommy are rehearsing*)

Me: Yo Mensinger! You there?

Eric Singer: *doesn't hear me as he is drumming*

Me: *grins mischievously and sneaks over behind the second Catman and screams* SAVE YOUR LIFE!

Eric Singer: AAAH!

Me: Bwhahahaaha! I scared you Itty Bitty Kitty!

Eric Singer: You sure did. Almost made me piss myself.

Paul: *laughs along with the other guys*

Me: I have a surprise for you and your girlfriend! Follow me!

(*The host drops a smoke bomb and then teleports back to the spare building, leaving the guys sneezing from all that dust*)

(*Back at the spare building...*)

KellerSinger18: *is watching Gia play with Vinnie* So, what's up Em?

Me: Suzy just got an idea for a dare. And it's for the Fox and the Ankh Warrior. While you and Catman #2 go on vacation, Eric Carr and Vinnie Vincent will be babysitting little baby Gia while you're gone.

Suzy: It's basically a test to see if Vinnie and the Fox are ready for fatherhood.

KellerSinger18: Aww! That's so sweet of you guys. We'll start packing our suitcase tonight. Where do you want to go on vacation, babe?

Eric Singer: I'm not really sure. Where would you like to go, hon?

KellerSinger18: Hmmm...🤔

Me: How about the Disneyland in Orlando, Florida?

Eric Singer: Well...I'm not much of a Disney fan. But we can go there one day when Gia is old enough. That way, she can ride some of the rides and not have to worry about being too short.

KellerSinger18: That would be fun. But since our vacation is just for the two of us, maybe we can go to the Bahamas?

Paul: Yeah! I love the seaside resort and the luxury.

Gene: Plus, I don't think you'll have to worry about sharks, because the Bahamas are located in shallow waters.

KellerSinger18: What do you say, babe?

Eric Singer: I really like that idea. To the Bahamas it is!

Me: Awesome! You guys might want to leave early tomorrow morning if you're going to catch a flight to the Bahamas without having to wait in a long line.

KellerSinger18: Okay!

Eric Singer: Since it's almost dinnertime, how about we start off by picking out the things that we're bringing with us.

KellerSinger18: *smiles* Good idea, Eric! *leans forward and kisses the second Catman on the cheek* Vinnie, can you watch Ginny for me while we're packing up our suitcases?

Vinnie: *smiles* Sure thing.

Baby Gia: *laughs when the Fox sneezes*

Me: *giggles* Silly Fox.

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