14. The snowball.

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(Your POV)

The lab had closed down for good, Barbra Holland finally had the long overdue funeral and her death was covered up.

Will was okay now. Hopper had officially adopted el.
My hair was bright white, worse than my eyes, I had a huge scar going down my leg but hey...it could be worse.

Tonight was the snowball and you could not be more nervous.



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Eleven looked at you and you looked at her before you climbed in the car

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Eleven looked at you and you looked at her before you climbed in the car.

"Pretty...." You both said to each other in unison.
"Good." You both finished and burst out laughing.
You both climbed in the car with hop and drove to the snowball.


(Third person pov)

Eleven stayed back to talk to hopper a bit so you walked inside.

You walked in to see hundreds of students dancing. You took a deep breath and walked over to the table that had max, Lucas, Mike, and Will seated at it.

"Hey guys."
"Hi fee!"
Will stared at you in awe, he looked so cute tonight.
"Max I love your hair." You let out.
"Thanks, yours too."
You smiled.

You grabbed a cup of punch and took a sip, you saw dustin walk in...his hair.
You choked on your drink and tried best you could not to laugh.

"Holy shit what happened to you?" Mike questioned

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"Holy shit what happened to you?" Mike questioned.
"What do you mean what happened?"
"what?" Dustin asked quickly.
"Dude your hair!" Max exclaimed.
"Is there a bird nesting in there?" Lucas asked.
"No what do you mean what's wrong with my hair there's no bird nesting in here asshole okay?I worked hard."
We all chuckled.

(Play the songs)

Lucas turned to max when the slow song came on. He took a deep breath.

"Max...hey. Um it's nice right? You want to umm....you want to like..you know?like just you and me?"
I chuckled lightly.
"Are you trying to ask me to dance stalker?" Max asked sarcastically.

"No of course not.unless you want too."
Max chuckled.
"So smooth come on."
She dragged him to the dance floor.

We all watched them walk away and begin to dance.

"Uh fee?" Will asked

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"Uh fee?" Will asked.
You turned around quickly.
"Do you um...want to..would you like to....do you want to dance?" Will asked nervously.
"Of course Will the wise." You did a small curtsy and Will laughed, you grabbed his hand and lead him to the
Dance floor. Wills face softened as he was expecting a different answer.

"Will." You asked nervously.
"I don't know how to dance." You stated softly.
"I'll teach you."
You smiled.

"Is that zombie boy? Who's he with?" You heard multiple whispers. Will looked sad.

"Hey don't listen to those mouth breathers okay?"
"Okay." He smiled.

Instead of putting your hands on his shoulders like he told you to you wrapped them around his neck, he put his hands on your hips and you began to sway to the music.

You were both blushing like never before and had permanent smiles on your faces.

"Thank you." Will stated.
"For what will?" You asked.
"For saving us, me...I never really thanked you."
You winked at him.

"Anytime, who you gonna call demogorgon busters!" You sang jokingly, " just call 005 011 and we'll be at your door." You joked.

He burst out laughing and your heart warmed seeing him so happy.

"You look beautiful." He stated.
You blushed bright red.
"Thanks, you look great too."
He blushed too

You looked around and saw that Dustin and Nancy were dancing and so were Mike and el.

You saw Mike and el lean forward and kiss, then Lucas and max.

You looked back at Will and you both smiled knowingly and leaned forward. Your lips connected and you kissed softly but passionately. Soon after you both pulled away and smiled even wider than before.

"I've been wanting to do that for over a year now you know?" Will stated with bright red cheeks.
"Yeah..I can read minds you know." I said with an evil grin, Will turned bright red.
"shit." He exclaimed under his breath.

You laughed and looked at him, studying every feature in his face.

"It's okay...me too....besides you are the only mind I actually enjoy reading."

His smile grew wider which You didn't think was possible.

White smoke surrounded your feet as you lifted slightly off the ground in absolute excitement, you had to control it though and tried very hard to bring yourself down before anyone saw, you blushed in embarrassment.

Will spun you around like he did when you were in your skates. You both giggled and your lips connected again, after a few seconds you both pulled away and let your foreheads rest against each other as you swayed.

You have never been happier.


818 words.
Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed season two!!

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