9. Hes back.

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Chapter 4:
The sauna test

(Third person POV)


(Hair but in white

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(Hair but in white.)

You Lucas, will and mike were in the wheelers basement

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You Lucas, will and mike were in the wheelers basement.

"Do you copy this is a code red. I repeat this is a code red.max do you copy." Lucas asked into his walkie.
"Shut..up." Max replied finally.

"She turned it off." Lucas stated.
We all sighed and dialled her number into the phone.

"I'm sleeping go away!" Max yelled.
"This is five do not hang up max. Something happened, something bad. Our very lives could be at stake okay, trust me. Is el there?"
"Yeah she slept over why?what are you talking about fee?" Max asked.
"Just meet me and the boys at mikes house with eleven, I'll explain everything then." You finished.

I put the phone down.
"Now next time there is a code red don't go 'oh code red oh no do you copy ' actually get to the damn point!" You scolded.
Mike Lucas and will stared at you in awe.

"Stop staring at me and try Dustin again." You stated firmly.
"He's not answering." Lucas sighed.
"So try him Again!" You yelled.

"Dustin do you copy?I repeat this is a code red

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"Dustin do you copy?I repeat this is a code red." Lucas said into the walkie.
No answer.

"What's on your neck?" Mike questioned as he moved some strands of hair that were hanging out of your ponytail away.

Your eyes widened realizing it was probably a hickey from when you slept over here. Lucas came to look but Will stayed where he was with wide eyes too.

"It's-its nothing, I just burnt myself with my curling iron the other day." You stated.
"Six times!?" Lucas laughed out.
"SIX!? WILL!" You screamed but quickly slapped your hand over your mouth realizing what you had said.

"Gross." Mike let out but soon burst out laughing and so did Lucas.
Will mouthed a I'm sorry to you and then you both joined in laughing.


Max and eleven had arrived and we were all explaining what we knew about the situation.

"I didn't think it was anything at first, I mean, I think I just didn't want to believe it...the first Time I felt it was at day of the dead." Will explained.
"The power went out that night too." Mike added.

"And then I felt it again at the field near the nelson farm the next day, then again outside castle hopper-Byers yesterday." Will stated.
"That's why I couldn't sense you were hurt, sad...I can't feel will anymore when it happens, we've been connected ever since we first talked in the void, it goes away when he feels this thing." You stated.

"What does it feel like?" Max asked.
"It's almost like...you know when you drop on a rollercoaster?" Will asked.
"No." Me and el answered in unison.

"It's like...everything inside your body is just sinking all at once, but this is worse. Your body...it goes cold..and you can't breathe, I've felt it before, whenever he was close." Will explained.
"That's what I felt in the hospital last year....but way, way worse.." you stated.
"Whenever who was close?" Max asked.

"The mind flayer." You and will stated in unison.
"We closed the gate." El stated.
"I know but...what if he never left?" Will suggested.
Chills went down my spine.
"What If we locked him out here with us?" Will stated again.

Will placed a piece of paper on the table and began to draw a quick sketch of the mind flayer.

"This is him, all of him, but that day on the field a part of him attached itself to me."
He brushed his hand over the drawing smudging it and leaving black chalk all over his hand. You picked up his hand and stared at it.
"Will we're going to have to wash this off." You said grumpily.
He gave you a look as if to say not the time, you put your hands up in surrender.

"My mom got it out of me...and el and fee closed the gate."
He flipped over the page.
"But the part that was still in me, what if it's still in our world?"
He placed his hand on the now blank page leaving a black mark on it.

"In Hawkins."

"I don't understand, the demo-dogs died when el and fee closed the gate.if the brain dies the body dies." Max added.
"We can't take any chances we need to assume the worst, the mind flayer is back." Mike stated.

"Yeah and if he is, he'd want to attach himself to someone again. A new me." Will stated.
"A new host." You added.
"How can you tell if someone is a host?" El questioned.


We were at the pool hiding slightly behind a car, watching billy.

"I don't know he looks pretty normal to me

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"I don't know he looks pretty normal to me." Max stated.
"Normal? How many times have you seen him with a shirt on." Lucas questioned.

"I mean it's a little weird." Max admitted.
"More than a little.he was in a tub with ice.." mike started.
"He likes it cold." You finished.

"Plus everything else-" mike started again.
"But he's lounging at the pool, which is like the least mind flayer thing ever." Max defended.
"Not necessarily." Will started.

"The mind flayer likes to hide. He only used me when he needed me. It's like...your dormant and then when he needs you..you're activated." Will explained.

"Okay so we just...wait until he gets activated." Lucas suggested.
"No were not doing that what if he hurts someone?" You replied.
"Or kills someone." Will added.
"We can't take that chance." Mike stated.

"We need to find out if he's the host." Mike spoke up and started walking.
"Where are you going?" Max called.
"I have an idea...boys only."
"Seriously?" You and max both exclaimed.
"Just trust me on this one." Mike asked.

You, max and el all sighed.


1005 words.
Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed.

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