Chapter 6.

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I just admitted to Chad one of my worst issues, cutting. My scar opened, it was my deepest one yet, and I knew I couldn't hide it any longer. No way in hell could I, what was I suppose to say? The cat did it? I got slashed by an active chainsaw? He wouldn't believe it. So, I told him the truth. He started crying, I did too. I must say, he cried a lot harder than me. We got the blood to stop flowing, or at least for the most part. He got up, I didn't know where he was going. I just laid there and tried to sleep. Calm down at the very least. Everything felt so.. so... strange. Like nothing I've ever experienced before.

I felt a huge pain, spread throughout my body. It felt like someone had just cut my nuts off and the pain was right where the scar was. I screamed, clutching onto the couch. What the fuck was going on? It felt soft and cold where the gash was, but I couldn't tell what it was. It stayed there, so I kept screaming. I kicked my feet against the arm of the couch on the other end, the pain was beginning to be unbearable. Just as I thought I was about to pass out, it eased. The cold was still there, but the softness of whatever was on me was gone. I cried some, snuffing and shutting my eyes tight. I heard a voice, I knew it had to be Chad's, but I couldn't make out what he was saying. The pain was still there, my eyes filled with tears about to burst. I didn't let them, I had to be strong. Soon, the tears receded, I could hear somewhat clearly again, but the pain stuck. I heard Chad again, telling me something. I didn't hear clearly. I just did what I thought I heard, I arched my back. I didn't know what for and I didn't care. I trust him. I'd give my life for him. He was wrapping something around me, gauze maybe? I don't know. He gets injured from people kicking him in soccer all the time. He's shed more blood than someone fighting in the war. It's unbelievable, but I guess he likes to play rough. They patch him up there, but he takes care of himself here. That brought up the question... Where does he get this stuff? I don't see his parents around, the place might be cleaner if they were. I had to find out.. I'm not sure if I should ask though, so I won't. For now.


Damien was in tears, but I knew I had to keep the peroxide on. It was the only way for it to heal without getting infected. I should know, I had to sit out a whole soccer game once because someone tripped me and stepped on me. I kept it on as his breathing got heaver, and his screaming got louder. I was about to cry. I knew he couldn't see me, so what would be the bad in it? I just didn't. I knew I was helping him, that's the only reason I didn't cry. If it had been anyone else, I would be crying. Hard. I wouldn't know if I had eyes when I got done with my bawling. I took off the cotton, then rushed to take out the gauze. I wanted it wrapped as fast as possible, although it was good to get SOME air.

"Lift yourself up Damien, I'm going to put gauze around you. Did you hear me? At least arch your back? Please?" I asked, hoping he would hear it.

He arched his back slowly, still crying. I wrapped the gauze around him as fast as I could. He needed rest, lots of it. I got done wrapping the gauze, so I taped it. I didn't want it loose unless I made it loose. He was going to heal, I was going to make him. I wouldn't let him stay hurt. I kissed his bruises, every single one I saw. Even the one on his cheek, I kissed. I hoped it made him feel better, although it probably didn't. THE KID WAS STRAIGHT. NOT GAY, NOT BISEXUAL, NOT PANSEXUAL, STRAIGHT. I couldn't get that through my head, could I?

Damien started moving, but I gently touched him arm to stop him. I don't know how I didn't realize this before, his whole forearm was covered with cuts. The top of his arm was too, for some parts. His face had some, his shoulders had some, his stomach had small ones. Well, small until you got to the one big gash I just fixed. I'm so stupid, I should've noticed it before. I guess I was always being crowded by idiots and morons, I never saw them. I sat right in front of him at the assemblys, HOW COULDN'T I NOTICE. I was the dumbest fuck out of everyone in this city. I'm sure the dicks who picked on him teased him for hurting himself too... God damn it! Why couldn't I do anything right?!

He started groaning, I wasn't sure what he wanted. It sounded like he was asking for water.. I wasn't sure though. I just got up and got some water; then brought it back to him gave it to him. I made sure to put in a straw, I didn't want him moving much. It wasn't good for him to move much, especially after how much blood he just lost. He drank the water quickly, which was good. It meant he wasn't going to be hydrated. He could talk again, but he was sleepy.

"Sleep, Damien. You really need it." I whispered to him, hoping he would fall asleep quickly.

He tried talking, but he couldn't. He could only let out whispers. "Where are your parents?" He asked quietly, breathlessly. I looked at him in shock. He went limp, passing out. I was staring at him. How the hell could he be thinking about my parents when he just lost maybe 50% of his blood?

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