Chapter 15.

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He kept his lips on my burnt skin, I counted 13 seconds exactly. He was doing this while pushing me against the wall. Like the dream but I had a towel on instead of clothes, and he was kissing my finger not my lips. He let go and smiled at me, his teeth were beautiful. His eyes were precious. My towel was falling off.

I grasped the towel with one hand, waiting fror him to release the other. The moron just hung on! The towel was just barely covering my crotch, I had to move it down there. Like, my thighs were exposed and everything. When was he gonna let go?! This was embarrassing. Too embarrassing. I hope he liked what he saw.. God damn he must have. He was still hanging on. There was something different though.. He wasn't looking at my thighs or stomach or crotch even, he was looking in my eyes. I had been blushing so bad I was looking down to make sure I was covered. He just was staring into my eyes, but I just realized it. Chad snapped back into real life, letting go of my hand.

"Oh, I uh, I'm sorry... I wasn't paying attention to what I was doing.." He looked so embarrassed. I had to do something, so I grabbed his hand. I stared into his eyes, saying quietly, "No, it's okay, I liked it." I smiled at him, letting him know it was really okay. He grabbed cupped my face with his hands, bringing me to him. All of the sudden, I felt the most insane feeling ever. It wasn't insane, but it was the most amazing feeling I've ever had.

Chad was kissing me! I was kissing him back! I had my arm around his neck! This was the most perfect moment ever. I don't care what I've said before. THIS is the most important thing that has ever happened in my life.

We held there, at least for a half a second, before he stopped cupping my face and parted our lips. His forehead touched mine, he was smiling just as much as I was. I moved my hand down to his hip, pulling him to me. He wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me too him as well. All I wanted right then was for him to ask me out, but of course there would be questions of such before. God damn it! Fucking shit ruined it all.

He let go of me for a second, getting a clothes pin. "Wrap yourself up, no need to be naked at the moment." Chad said, smiling at me. I wrapped the towel around me, then he clipped on the clothes pin. Immediatly he went back to hugging me. I went back to hugging him, only with both arms this time. His head on my head, mine on his chest. This couldn't be anymore perfect.

Chad whispered in my ear, "I have a confession to make Damien. Are you ready for it?"


My life was turning upside down. In the best way possible. I had just kissed Damien, even though he was basically naked, and he kissed me back. We just stood there, hugging each other afterwards. This kid was absolutely perfect, I don't know how I deserve him. I don't deserve him in all reality, but no one else can have him. He's mine, or he will be soon anyways.

"I have a confession to make Damien. Are you ready for it?" I asked in his ear, quietly so I wouldn't hurt his eardrums.

He nodded his head lightly, his wet hair sliding across my bare chest. I took a deep breath, nervousness swelling inside me. Even after what we just did, I'm still scared of the outcome. I don't know why, I just am. I sighed and took a deep breath.

"Well, I'm actually gay. Since I first laid eyes on you I could always tell I liked you. I was always too scared to say anything to you, to even interact with you. Then I just played it cool, like I was just talking to a friend. I wasn't though, I was talking to the one person I will love forever and always. There will not be a moment I ever stop loving you, there hasn't been since I've known of your very existence. Everything about you makes me smile, except the bruises and scars. I know those aren't something you can control, but I just hope it all ends soon. The kids won't be bugging you anytime soon, trust me on that. Anyways, getting back on topic. I absolutely love you Damien, and I want to call you my boyfriend. Will you do me the honor of being mine?"

My heart raced, my body heated. He didn't move, it made everything worse. I was going to break down an emotional wreck if he didn't answer soon. His forever is all that I need, and if he won't give it to me I have no point in anything anymore. He's perfect, he's meant for me, I'm hoping anyways. I would just die without him.

He started speaking, I couldn't believe my ears. Had they decieved me, or am I hearing this all correctly?

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