Chapter 14.

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I slowly made my way to the couch, dragging my feet with my head down. I was going to have to tell him, I wasn't even ready to. I wanted to tell him today, but not yet. The plan I had, well it required going to the beach with lunch and me kissing him. Then hopefully he wouldn't push me and punch me in the face. I mean, he was at least bi. It could be possible he wanted me. Either way, we could at least fuck. At the very least. The beach I was going to take him to wasn't a popular one, but that was good. No one would see us there. Not even anyone from school, it was basically deserted. This beach was really nice though, I don't know how no one had found out about it yet. It was truly beautiful.

I plopped myself on the couch, laying out fully. There wasn't much that could make me move, I only wanted him to be with me. Right here, in my arms. That was all I could think of, his skin against mine. To just reassure myself, making sure he liked me or not. I needed to know, but how? I couldn't force anything out of him. It was up to him to say who he wanted to be with. No one else had a say in it, but whoever he wanted to be with was fine by me. I want him to be happy, I'd rather him be happy with someone else than be unhappy with me. Love works that way, if it doesn't, then it's not love.

I heard footsteps. Damien's footsteps, he was coming down the stairs. They were soft sounds, but you could definitly hear them. He was off the steps, I pretended to be asleep. I wanted to see what he would do. He was walking happily, I could tell because the steps sounded as if he was almost dancing. I felt him fall on me, I smiled and opened my eyes.

"Well hey there Damien. Sleep well?" I asked, hoping he would say he did.

"I haven't slept this well in a long time. Could I catch a shower? Oh, and borrow some of your clothes? I don't have any with me. Please?" He started rubbing my arms quickly, making them really hot.

"Of course you can. I don't mind. Just come get me when you're done your shower and I'll get you clothes." Of course I wanted to see him naked, but it wasn't even right when we hadn't even been dating. At the same time, I didn't even care. I wanted all of him.

"Sounds great. Now carry me there, I'm too lazy to use my legs."

"Whatever you say." I grabbed his legs, pulling them up to my hips. He wrapped his arms around my neck, and I stepped off the couch slowly. I didn't want to drop him. I lifted him up some, just to make sure I wouldn't drop him. My legs worked before my mind did, I was near the stairs already. Then I walked up the stairs, turned right to the bathrom, set him down and walked out. Something pinched my ass as I walked out, but the pain went away quick. Was there a fucking bug in here or something?


I managed to get Chad to carry me up the stairs and to his bathroom. Thank god, because then I got to pinch his ass when he walked out. He didn't even suspect a thing, I shut the door right after. Damn, I'm good. His ass is good too. I wouldn't mind seeing that ass for real. Same for the front side of him.

I got my towel, well his really, but mine to use. I turned on the hot water and got undressed. Setting my towel down, I got into the shower. There wasn't a reason to rush, so I just stood there. Letting the water run over me, I looked to see what he had to use. I just grabbed some of the Axe body wash and started scrubbing the dirt off. I was really careful around my bruises and scars, but I still had to blankly scream in pain. No sound came out, but I really needed to at least do something to keep from screaming. I clenched my jaw, let out little mini screams, anything. I wasn't going to scream though, not really scream.

I somehow got through the worst part, but now I had my hair. It wouldn't hurt as bad, thank god. I got some of the Axe shampoo he had and used it. I was lucky enough for it to be shampoo and conditioner. My hair needed some major untangling, that was obvious. I scratched at my head, trying to get my hair untangled and clean. It worked when I rinsed it out.

I shut off the water, got my towel, and wrapped it around my body. I practically danced out of the bathroom, I always did when I was happy. Instead of walking, I basically danced. It was cute, or that's what people told me. I walked down the stairs, Chad was in the kitchen. He was making breakfast. I hoped what he made was enough for 12 because I was starving.

"Whatcha makin Chaddy boy?" I asked cockily.

"Oh yanno, food." He turned around and winked at me. His shirt went somewhere, no idea where, but as long as it was off I was happy.

I walked over to the stove, he had a plate piled with bacon. He was reallly making food for 12! Damn, he's good. My hands went for a piece, but they were piping hot. I pulled back instantly, fanning them off and repeaditly saying ow.

He grabbed my hand, dropping his spatula on the counter. His lips touched the burning spot softly, holding there for a moment. This man was amazing. I wanted him, I needed him. All of him.

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