Chapter 13.

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I woke up when my head hit the floor. That called for a headache later. The movie was done, which wasn't a good sign. That meant I had over slept, I didn't mean to sleep at all. I looked over at the clock on the wall, it said 11:47. Shit! I was going to wake up Damien at 10:30! Well, it's better now than never, I guess.

I walked up the stairs, rubbing my eyes. I guess I was really tired, I normally had more energy on a school day than I did right now. I turned left, heading towards my room. I cracked the door open, Damien had been talking to someone. I couldn't make out any names, but I knew I shouldn't be disturbing him.

"I know, but I really like him. He's just so amazing.. I've never felt this way about anyone." That's all I heard from Damien before I backed away from the door. He wasn't straight! Thank fuck. That meant I had a chance. Only if he was talking about me.. I god damn hope he is. I'd die if he wasn't. Damien is one of the best things that has happened to me since I discovered my love for soccer. Soccer is really big for me okay? In a list of things I love, the first would be Damien, then soccer, then tacos. Who doesn't love tacos? WHO DOESN'T LOVE DAMIEN?! Wait... Who doesn't love Damien... My mind only came up with those dickbags who pick on him. A lot of people could've been talking to him without me knowing. Shit. That blows.

I went back downstairs, slowly. Each step I took I got slower and slower. My mind was racing, I couldn't concentrate on anything but who he could've fallen for. I was the only one, right? I had to know. I had to.


I woke up at 11. I wasn't even tired now, which was really weird. I looked all over, making sure I knew where I was. Chad's room. Where was Chad? I couldn't tell. Hoe well, I thought to myself. He wouldn't just get up and leave. This was his house anyways, he'd come back.

I slowly pulled myself out of his bed. Something about it being HIS BED just made me want to stay. My body pulled itself out of the bed though, and then it stood. My mind hadn't been telling me what to do at all, I hadn't even been thinking about where I was going. Before I knew it I almost fell down the stairs, not paying attention had been a curse. I was thinking about Chad too much, but I couldn't help it. It was Chad! How couldn't I think about him? He was perfect in so many different ways.

I reached the bottom of the stairs. Then I looked over at the couch, a masculine, tan outline had his head on his fist. Was he even wearing a shirt? God I hoped not. I started thinking about my phone for some reason, wondering where it had been. There it was, on the coffee table. Vibrating. What now? Who now, is more of a question to ask.

I pulled my feet over to it. I didn't want to deal with ANY shit, so I really hoped it wasn't any of my family. That's all I got from them, shit. it wasn't them though, it was Cassie. With another 23 messages. What'd she want so bad? It's not like she really cared. I only called her my best friend because I didn't have anyone but Chad here. She was a really big bitch actually, that's why I didn't respond to her.

She texted me, AGAIN, so I responded this time. I asked her what she wanted. Then of course, she called me. What a little bitch! She knows I hate talking to her. I told her that once, just in general I hated talking to her now. I ran upstairs, trying not to make too much noise. I answered the phone quickly, shutting the door.

"What do you want Cassie?! We stopped being friends once I moved!" I basically yelled at her. I was sick of her. She constantly ruins my life.

"What happened between you and that Chad kid? I added a bunch of people on facebook that go to your school. Everyone's talking about it. What happened? You have to tell me, I'm your best friend."

"Okay, let's get this straight. You're not my best friend, I only said that because I had no friends here. Now that I have one, I don't need you. I'm not trying to sound mean, but god damn Cassie! Get the fuck off my back! I moved on. You need to do the same. Drop my number, I won't be responding to you anyways. Either drop it or I'm getting it blocked. I'm never forgiving you for what you did to me, never. I said I did, but I wasn't being serious. I just wanted you to shut up. I'm not even sorry at this point, you're being a complete bitch." I said with a hushed voice, everything about her was pissing me off. She ruined all my relationships and I just found out about it when I moved. The first person I ever dated was her, we stayed friends, then she went off and told everyone else I dated different stories. Like I cheated on them, I was only dating them to get someone else jealous, she was homewrecking every relationship I had. It only matters because maybe I wouldn't have hurt myself so much had she not done this. This whole time, she was using me as a toy. I couldn't believe it.

I hung up on her. She kept calling a bunch, but I ignored them all. She called me one too many, this time I answered.

"What do you want?!" I screamed into the phone, my voice filled with rage.

"Calm down Damien! It's Destiny! Your sister, the one you trust. I just called to see how you were, but I can tell what's going on. What'd Cassie do this time?" Destiny knew a lot about me. Not everything, but she knew enough. She knew I had cut, but she didn't know I had ever attempted to take my life before. I loved Destiny, she's one of the very few reasons I'm still breathing. I'm glad she kept me alive. If she didn't, I wouldn't have Chad now.

"She's just being annoying about Chad. What happened? Are you guys friends? What about me? That normal shit. I told her to drop my number, but I think I'm just going to block hers. I'm just too sick of all the drama she had me going through. I hate homewreckers, I have to admit. But what's up with you?"

"Oh nothing, I'm waiting for Luke to get out of the shower. His parents aren't home this weekend, so we're just savoring the little time we have alone. You haven't told me much about Chad. Does he like you? Have you even told him you're basically gay for him? ARE YOU DONE BEING IN DENIAL?!" She laughed about it, it kind of made me laugh too.

"Yes, I'm done being in denial. No worries there. I just... I just don't think I'm ready to tell him yet."

"You're gonna have to soon bud."

"I know, but I really like him. He's just so amazing.. I've never felt this way about anyone. I don't know when I should tell him. I will soon, probably this weekend, but not now. I don't think he's awake."

"Okay, well I'll let you go. Have fun and don't forget to tell him!" She hung up, then I did. I laid back on the bed, my head hurt. I couldn't tell him yet, but I had to tell him soon. Shit, this wasn't going to be fun.

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