Chapter 22.

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I managed to get Damien to not talk about my parents on Sunday, which I don't know how I did. It was like he just forgot. The thoughts were overwhelming, though, so I took focus on just getting to school. Everything was going to be different today. Not so much for Damien, but for me. I would have to face all those dumbfucks, see if I could get a small table for Damien and my REAL friends to sit at, it was all just bullshit. Bullshit I had to deal with. I wonder if his sister would want to sit with us.. Uh.. What's her name.. Not Destiny, but uh.. Shit! Oh yeah, Nicki. Wait, did Destiny go to school with us too?

I looked down at Damien's hand, which was holding mine. Looking back up at the road, I said, "So do Destiny and Nicki go to school with us? I'm normally surrounded by idiots so I don't really pay attention."

"Yeah, they're twins. They don't even look alike, though, which is the worst part. It gets really confusing. But they're both seniors. And then there's me, a junior." He let out a long sigh.

"Hey, don't worry about being younger than them. You're still their brother, and as far as I'm concerned a great brother at that. Why don't we have them sit with us today? I'm done sitting with the kids I normally do."

"Okay," he said it with fear.

"Something wrong baby?"

"No, I'm just not used to sitting with anyone. Ever."

"Well, I talked it over with the two guys I actually LIKE as friends, and they think it's pretty cool that we're together. I don't think you'll have a problem at all." I had just pulled into the school parking lot as I finished the sentence, so I leaned over and kissed him softly.

Damien kissed back, then added, "As long as I'm with you I won't. Now, are we gonna spread out love or are we acting like we don't know each other?"

"Spreading the love baby, spreading the love." I have him a wink, grabbed our bags and hopped out of the car. Damien got out of the car and waited for me at the front of it.

"Turn around. I'm putting your bag on you because I'm a dork and I want to see if I can actually do it." I said to him.

"Ugh, whatever." He turned around and stuck out his arms, then I slipped his bag onto his shoulders. Damien turned to me and smiled, stuck his tongue out and moved his hair away from his face. He had been wearing my sweatshirt and a pair of my ripped jeans today, but the sweatshirt was huge on him! We pulled back the sleeves so he could use his hands, but they still went down to his fingers. It was just too adorable for me to handle, so I grabbed his hand and started walking to the school with him.


"Do you have any eyeliner, Destiny?" I asked my sister, who was busy driving. Her car was as messy as Damien's room, which was bad.

"Here, take it." She handed me eyeliner. I took it and started to look in the mirror, then applied it. I wish I had woken up earlier. I look like complete shit! My hair was a mess, not that it mattered. It was only a mess underneath, where I had dyed it yesterday. It was blue, pink and purple with some parts left bleached. It stood out great with my black hair. Destiny had her bleach ass blonde hair dip dyed black, but I think it'd look better if she just dyed some parts of it black. Oh well, her hair, not mine.

Just as I got done with my make up, we pulled into the school and I saw Damien walking. I could only see it was him because of the style of his hair, and the color. My purse couldn't get in my hands quick enough as I opened the door, and completely sprinted up to him.

"Damien!" I screamed to him. He let go of Chad's hand and ran for the school yard. Damien even threw his bag to the side, just to gain speed. I didn't want to, but I dropped my purse. It gave me speed, so just at the right time I jumped on his back.

He struggled, kicked and turned, until I let him on his back. I waved to him and smiled, which I knew was bound to piss him off.

"You are such a bitch!" He yelled at me, laughing until he started coughing.

"I try to be, thanks. How did your weekend go with Chad?" I said Chad in one of those he's-so-hot voices.

"It was actually one of the best weekends ever. It even tops that weekend that you, Destiny and I had all went and camped out with nothing but cigarettes and beer."

"Fuck! I wish I could've had a weekend like that! Mine was just filled with heartbreak. Does he know about your little habits? As far as drinking and smoking?"

"No, but I do have something to admit to you and Destiny. After school, we're all gonna go back to Chad's place and have a confessions round. We each confess one thing that's unhealthy for us to do, and say why we do it, and then take an oath to try to stop it. We do it until we run out of things to say. Sound good? It was Chad's idea."

"Hey, Nicki! Get off him already! Jesus, he doesn't need to be smelling like girl all day when he can smell like Chad," I heard Destiny say.

"Oh, calm down. He'll be smelling like dirt if anything" I replied back to her, standing and helping Damien up. Chad smiled, walked over to him and kissed his head. Just as I was about to tell him it's unfair that he had a boyfriend and I didn't, Luke walked up and hugged Destiny. Then there was this boy, I knew his name, Niall. It was another one of Chad's friends. He looked... Amazing. Perfect. Flawless. He had his hair like Chad's, but it was blond. He smiled at me, wide and proud. I gave him a little wave, looked down and blushed hard.


"What do you say we go inside, or at least sit down? My les hurt. Bad." I just wanted to sit the fuck down. My legs hurt like a crane was sitting on them.

"What, did Luke fuck you too hard last night?" Chad asked. I knew it was a joke, but still, what a smartass! No wonder why Damien liked this kid.

"No, but I am accident prone for hitting my legs off of tables and falling when I'm trying to carry docks."

"I still say it's the sex."

I just flipped him off, smiled and rested my head on Luke's chest. It looked like Nicki was hitting it off with Niall, which was good. She could use someone who could actually treat her right. At least, I hoped he would.

I saw a group of kids walking up to us. Luke let go of me, Chad pushed Damien behind him and Niall just completely stopped conversation with Nicki. They got in a line, shoulder to shoulder.

"What's up faggot? Been sucking any dick lately?" It wasn't any of their voices. Shit. From that sentence, I knew this was going to turn out to be hell on Earth.

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