Chapter 10.

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We finished up talking, just for a bit. He turned on a movie, but I couldn't tell what it was. I guess it was just on. He did most of the picking up, it wasn't hard. The only problem was that I wanted to help him clean everywhere. Not just one part. Pick up his clothes, throw away wrappings, maybe take off his clothes and mine and have them washed... No. I'M STRAIGHT. God damn it. Am I really though? I hate this so much. I love him so much though... But I'm straight. I'm straight and I only like girls. Until it came to Chad. No, not even when it came to Chad. I mean, Chad is my world. Fuck it, there, I said it. I admit it. Chad is my world. I'm gay for Chad. I've never felt like this before. I only want Chad. He's the best thing to happen to me, ever. I plan on throwing away everything I've ever used to self harm. Just for him. I would do it, I plan on it. I've never felt like this before, up until Chad walked into my life. I let him in so easy. I want him and only him. I'm too scared to admit it though, I really am.

I went and got a basket, for the clothes and shit. I started getting all the clothes. I put them all in the basket, but there was still some left. And that was just in the living room. I couldn't believe how much worse the rest of the house was. Goddamn, he needed someone to clean up with him. I'd love to be that person, but of couse, he's straight. I'm gay for him and him only, but really. He needed a butler or something. He saw what I was doing and got a trash bag, picking up empty soda cans and other trash. I smiled at him, then went to the bathroom. He had his washer and dryer there. I started putting the clothes in the washer, humming a song to myself.

A minute after I started putting the laundry in, I heard music come on loud. It jumped me, so I peeked out at Chad. He was looking at me, his tongue out and thumbs up. He was playing my CD. My heart skipped a beat and I smiled at him, shaking my head and blushing. My hair covered my face again, I was lucky I had grown it out. He had it on track number three, James Dean & Audrey Hupburn by Sleeping With Sirens. One of my favorite songs.


Damien and I finished the pizza, then started picking up. After we threw out the pizza box and cleared off the coffee table, it seemed like he wanted to clean more. I didn't stop him. I joined him. He got the laundry basket and picked up the clothes. I got a trashbag and picked up whatever junk I had laying around. When he went to put the laundry in the washer, I slipped out the door. I went to my car as fast as I could, getting his CD. I wanted to hear every song on that album, it was perfect. We heard one and two already, but what was three?

I slipped back in the house quietly, putting the CD in the player. I cranked it as loud as I could, laughing a bit because I knew the song, once again. James Dean & Audrey Hupburn by Sleeping With Sirens. Perfect. I loved this song.

I saw Damien pop his head out, so I stuck my tongue out at him and put my thumbs out. He laughed a little, blushed, shook his head. He blushed though. Maybe he isn't straight.. But he was. He isn't gay, he can't be. Unless he was.. Maybe I should just tell him. Let it all out, but I can't. I had to hide it. I went back to picking up cans and wrappers, humming along to the song. The thoughts stuck like glue though, they didn't leave. I didn't know what to do. Everything was getting so.. confusing. There were signs I could use that he wasn't exactly straight.. but nothing set in stone. Just because he blushed when I made a stupid face? Maybe he was happy he had a friend for a change. I don't know, everything sucked right now.

I filled the bag, tied it, and set it outside. I decided to get all the plates and stuff before I picked up anymore trash. Damien was about done getting the laundry in the washer, he could help me with drying the dishes or something. Then the trash, then another room. This was good, he was helping me with something. He probably felt like he was returning a favor more than anything, not just doing this because he loves me like I love him. I got all the dishes together, putting them in the sink. I filled the sink with water and old dish detergent, it worked. It had only been sitting there since.. I don't really know. I lost track of everything since my parents left. It didn't seem to matter, it was my house now.

Damien came back out, smiling at me. I realized we were both still shirtless, he only had shorts on. I had on a pair of my frazed jeans. I had a few pairs of them actually, I hoped they were being washed. He looked at the dishes.

"Need help? I can dry them and then we can pick up more," He said in a voice that was more like he was asking, not stating.

"Yeah, that'd be great. Thanks," I said with a smirk. I was actually hiding the fact that I didn't want him to say something about returning a favor. It would break me. I wouldn't be able to see him. I'd be torn inside.

He smiled at me, then waited for me to do a dish. I did one, put it in the sink beside mine, and he dried it with a towel. It was only clean because it was hanging on the stove. I normally just used whatever when I was drying off my hands. I didn't normally use the kitchen sink unless I wanted water. I kept washing, he kept drying. I took the hose form the sink, spraying him a little bit. He laughed then whipped me with his towel.

"Oh you did not just do that." I said, loud at first, fading it into a normal voice.

"Oh yes I did! I'm not afraid to do it again either." Damien spoke to me, hyperness blended in his voice. I squirted him once more, then waited to see what he was going to do.

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