The start

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It was the last day of third year in Aldera Junior high. One boy with dark green and messy hair and dead eyes was sitting in the corner. He looked dead in eyes, emotion less face and was not caring about anything in the world.

Than the teacher entered with a bunch of papers and said ," Now that you all are third years you need to think about your future ( and all the things he or she said which i don't remember )." All the students let out a irritated groan. Than the teacher threw the papers and said "WHO AM I KIDDING YOU ALL WANT TO BE HEROES!"

Suddenly the students started shouting happily while activation their quirks. "Ok you all have great quirks now stop you know you the law."

Suddenly a cocky laugh burst out and the one who was laughing was a blonde he stopped laughing and said," Hey teach don't lump us up with these D listers me and my crew are going to UA and be the richest and strongest hero in history. Even stronger than ALLMIGHT himself!" 

"Ah, the monster five you have the best quirk out of all of them and I a, pretty sure you can enter UA." said the teacher," That is right !" said another green haired but it was a girl." And by the way Izuku you are applying for UA too right ?" the teacher said with an evil smile on his/her face ( you can choose the gender he or she is just an extra anyway so doesn't really matter ).

Suddenly the class burst into laughter, but a group of 5 were angry. Suddenly Izuku was met with two explosions on his desk by the Bakugo twins. They both shouted at the same time," HOW DARE YOU TO TRY TO APPLY IN THE SAME SCHOOL AS US DO YOU REALLY THINK THAT YOU CAN STAND IN THE SAME RING AS US !! "

Izuku just kept quit which pissed the two exlosive porcupines even more," TOO SCARED TO TALK HUH DEKUU!!" He just kept quite and than the teacher shouted," BAKUGOS STOP WE ARE HAVING CLASS RIGHT NOW YOU CAN DO ALL YOU WANT AFTER SCHOOL !"

The two of them just tched and went away. Once the class ended everybody went to their home except six people. Izuku was packing his back when the others got close to him and the Elsa and prince Zuko  hybraid said," Withdraw your application and we won't bother you anymore." he said in a cold tone. The blonde twins said " AND IF YOU DON'T THAN ". "Then what are you going to do ripp-off Deidaras." he snapped.

"You all are just some bastards with god complex." And he walked away. All five of them were shocked he never snapped he always had the same emotionless face on even when burned, stabbed and so on. But he finally snapped.

He was walking home from school when a green goo like thing wrapped around him. It was sufficating ( i dont know the spelling and i am too lazy to google it so please bare with it ) him most of the people would struggle and try to get out but not him. He didn't want to live anymore, he was fed up of life.

The slime started trying to enter his mouth and said," Not struggling huh ? Good for both you and me you die less painfully and i get what i want." And than his vision started becoming blur slowly darkening and when his vision was about to fade he heard a voice saying," I AM HERE !"Then his vision faded.

He woke up from feeling frequent light slaps on his face. He woke up and saw a huge man with yellow hair. He smiled a little. A geniun one, in a long time and by long really long time. "All-might !" he said weakly. " YES IT IS MEE YOUNG MAN ( than he gave his signature laugh )!" 


He turned about to look at the green boy and the boy said " I-I HAVE A QUESTION PLEASE ANSWER IT !" "OK BUT PLEASE MAKE IT QUICK. "

" Ca-can a quirkless like me become a hero like you ?" he closed his eyes waiting for some motivation but what he got was unexpected ( not really everybody knew this would happen ). "NO !" was what he heard. "YOU CAN NOT BECOME A HERO WITHOUT A QUIRK. YOU SEE YOUNG MAN BEING A HERO IS A VERY DANFEROUS JOB. MANY HEROES ALMOST DIE DOING THIS JOB. EVEN THE HEROES WITH MOST POWERFUL QUIRK. THERE IS NO A WAY A QUIEKLESS PERSON CAN DO IT. YOU CAN BECOME A POLICE INSTEAD THEY DON'T GET MUCH CREDIT BUT THEY PLAY AN IMMORTANT PART TOO." hearing these word Izuku's world broke into millions of pieces." IT IS NOT BAD TO DREAM YOUNG MAN BUT MAKE SURE THOSE DREAMS ARE REALASTIC ENOUGH. NOW THAN I SHALL GO !" all-might said and jumped away with the villain.

Izuku froze, he didn't know how to react. Suddenly he started laughing loud. Than he felt something  wet on his checks. He touched it and those were tears. He wiped them off went his way with a blank face. 

He was trembling and falling off his own leg. In the way he saw an explosion when he reached there he saw Bakugo twins captured by the same villain that attacked him. 'All-might might have dropped him.' he thought and when he looked around he saw his sister and todoroki twins. To be honest he didn't care he didn't care if they died he truely didn't. He walked his way and than when he was in front of the tv shop he saw the new. All-might was being interviewed by the media and the twins being praised by the heroes for their 'brave act' and their powerful quirks.

'Brave act huh ? All they did was get trapped.' thought izuku. He though his day couldn't be any worse after what all-might said. But little did he know how worse his day would become in a few minutes.

He reached home and when he was about to open the door he heard a laugh. Not any other laugh but 'ALL-MIGHT'S ' laugh. He stopped dead in his tracks. He went to the window and peeked in and saw his tormentors there with allmight and green x. He was confused. But than allmight transformed into his dad his own dad. He was angry was an understatement. But he didn't barge in. Instead he listened to their conversation. He heard all about OFA and how it was going to be passed down to all of his tormentors. 

He was heart broken. He ran ran and ran, he didn't stop. He ran through the city and reached a forest. He ran deeper into the forest until there was no energy left in him. He was breathing heavily while tears streaming down his checks. His was hurt. Knowing the truth hurt, know that his parents forgot about him hurt. Losing all friends and having no one to be there for him hurt. 

He heard rumbling in the bushes and took a defensive stance. But he had no energy it was useless. He was trembling and than a wolf jumped at him and many others followed the first wolf's lead. Soon Izuku was screaming in pain as they ripped off his right arm. Than his vision started getting blur again. Suddenly all the wolfs ran away with the arm. The last thing he saw before passing out was a red eye and another purple one.  

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