A king of octopus

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Shinso was training. He couldn't form the rasengan yet. He fell to the ground tried. Nagisa came with a bottle in hand.

"Here you are improving." he says handing the bottle to Shinso.

"Thanks. But what project where they talking about ?"

"Well you see heros are corrupted. They want money and fame, most of them don't care about helping people. Quirkless have it worse since no one wants to help them. So he is starting a agency of shinobis which reports directly to the emperor. No corruption and also they will have power over the heros he can terminate any hero's license at will. Also can change the missions."

"Oh and also about the Octopus."

"You mean dad ?"

"Are you really his daughter ? You look nothing a like."

"No I am his son. And I am adopted." Nagisa said with a depressed aura surrounding him, while he muttered daughter again and again.

'Son ?! What the fuck ?' Thought Shinso.

"You sure you are a boy ?"

"Please stop squeezing lemon in my paper cut."


"It is ok. And about him he adopted me at the age of five along with everyone you saw."

"Everyone ?! Even sensei ?!"

"Izuku ? Oh no he just sees dad as a father and us as a family."

"I see."

"So how did you meet sensei ?"

"About that Uncle Zetsu brought him here 1 month ago saying he was grandpa's successor along with the news that grandpa died."

"Grandpa ?"

"Izuku's teacher."

"Oh I see."

"Did your family abandon you cause you were quirkless ?"

"Yah." Nagisa replied sadly.2

"I am sorry if I brought back some bad memories."

"No problem. Besides it was also my best day of my life if i look back at it now."


It was a rainy day ( why do sad scenes always have rain ? ). A blue haired kid was crying sitting near a dumpsters with buries and cuts.


'Why does this happen to me ? Where will I live now ? Mom, Dad please come back.' thought the child while crying.

A huge yellow figure approached the child. The figure crouched down to the child's level and asked in a kind voice.

"What are you doing here kid ?"

"My parents left me here."

"Why ?"

"Because the doctor said that i won't develop a quirk." the kid said between sniffs and broke down and cried after finishing the sentence.

The yellow man hugged the child with his tentacles, and comforted him.

"Hey kid do you want to come and live with me ? I won't leave you alone like your parents."

"*sniff* Really ?" The kid asked with hope.

"Really." The octopus replied smilling.

"Promise ?"

"Promise. So will you come with me ?"

"Yes !" replied the kid happily. ( don't do it in real life though )5

'How can the parents be so cruel to their own kid ?' Thought the octopus.

The kid sat on the octopus' shoulder.

"What is your name kid ?" asked Koro-sensei

"I don't want to use the name."

"Why ?"

"It reminds me of my parents." the kid said tearing up.

"I see. So how about i give you a name ?"

"Really ?"


"Ok." the kid said shyly.

"How about Nagisa ?"

With that the two went on talking until they reached their destination.


Nagisa smiles remembering the memory.

"And how did you meet sensei's sensei ?" asked Shinso.

"He just popped out of nowhere."


We see little 8 year old kids with different color hair each playing with each other.


??? POV

I have lived another day, how many years does this make ? Let me check, 40 years huh ? Guess I am now in my 70s. A feel something roll down check. I touched it and it was wet. Tears huh ? Haven't had one in a long time.

"Morning dad !!" a voice came behind me.

"Morning Zetsu. Did you sleep well ?"

"Yes dad ! Dad are you crying ?" asked Zetsu.

"Just some old memories of the past and regrets."

"Dad how were you in your past you never told me."

"I was a monster."

"Monster ?"

"Yes I monster which I don't want you to be." I said with a smile. I love this child ( zetsu is the same size as the rest of the 8 years old ).

"Lets go for a walk son."

"Ok dad !"

We began walking out of the cave. The cave was originally one of the pedo's lab but i changed it. I found a zetsu there so i upgraded it so i could have some company. He can open portals to another dimensions and I did that. HAHA!! I DID THAT ALL BY MYSELF !!!!! FUCK YOU MADARAAA!!!!!

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