New vigilant , fall out Yagis

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Aizawa pov* 

I was on patrol and hoped to find the new vigilante named Uchiha Madara. I hear a woman shout in a distance. I reach there as fast as possible and see some thugs trying to rape her. I jump down and quickly knock the thug out and call the police. 

I heard another scream not far away. I reach there and i saw a man wearing a black cloak with red clouds on it. The man knocks out some thugs than jumps up and starts jumping from one roof to another.

'He can't be a hero and he doesn't seem to be a villain either, maybe he is a vigilante.' I thought as i make my way up to him. Than he stops and looks at the sky ? I quickly go and wrap him up with my gear and erase his qiurk. "No struggling huh ? It will be easier for me." I say and try to pull him only find my scarf pass right through him even through i erased his quirk.

 get alarmed and get to my fighting stance. "So is it the underground hero easerhead ?" He asks in a deep and emotionless voice. "You know what," he begins," you should never jump into a fight without any information of the enemy." I hear him right next to me.

I jump away and balance myself. 'How did he do that ?' was the only thing i could think of at that time. He than raises his head and looks at me. His pupil was blood red and with some weird black marks in it. "You are fast; I see." Than he starts to disappear in a vortex and said," I m watching from the shadows." and disappears.

It was the weirdest encounter i had ever had. All i could note was his green hair and eye. His face was covered with a mask ( tobi's clothes ). But doesn't Yagi has green hair too. I need to investigate. 

*Time skip no jutsu~~~to next morning 10am*

Aizawa reached the Yagi's residence along with Enji and nezu. A green haired woman opened the door. "OH ! Aizawa-san, Nezu-san and Enji-san may I help you ?" 

"We are here to discuss something about the new vigilante with toshinori." "Oh, ok you may come in." The three make their way to the loan where they see toshinori teaching izumi how to use ofa.

After Nezu looked at Izumi's hair colour he asked Aizawa," Did he have the same hair colour ?" Aiwaza replied with a nod. "Toshinori." Nezu said." Oh ! Nezu what are you doing here ?" "We need to talk about something." "Sure. Izumi go, I will train you later." "Ok dad" 

"Ok Nezu so what is this about ?" Toshinori asked. "It is about the new vigilante named Uchiha Madara. Aizawa had an encounter with him last night." "I see so did he get caught ?" "No, but he had green hair just like your wife and daughter." "What does that mean sir ?"

"Eraser head, Endavour," Nezu said while looking down," go and search the house." "Yes, Sir !" they both replied and went. "SIR WHAT ARE YOU DOING ???!!!!! YOU CAN'T JUST COME TO MY HOUSE AND DO THINGS LIKE THIS !!!!!" "All might.........where is he ?" "WHO ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT SIR ???!!!!" "Your son." "BUT I DON'T HAVE ONE !!!!" "Your wife gave birth to  twins a son and a daughter." "WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT SIR ???!!!" "Where is he allmight ?" "I DON'T GET WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT ?????!!!!!" Nezu let out a groar and than shouted,"WHERE IS YOUR DAMN SONNN ??????!!!!!!"

"Nezu." an emotionless voice said behind Nezu."I found something." Nezu than turns to eraser head. "Than Enji comes with some albums in his hands and says," There is a green haired boy in these photos." Show them to me Enji ( He is a good dad and shoto and shoka's scares are their birth marks )" 

After seeing the photos of a green haired boy with the family All might was surprised and said," Nezu i swear to god i don't know who this boy is." Nezu could see the surprise and truth in his eyes. "Aizawa" Nezu said," What did you find ?" "The basement it is full of bloodied bandages and also has a mattress." Endavour and Nezu's eyes widened when they heard bloodied bandages.

"All Might i swear if we find that you neglected your son or something I m going to break every bone in your body." Enji said in a dark way that sent sivers through All might's spine. As Enji and Nezu push the door the get the smell of blood and start sweating. 


As they enter the room they are horrified to see bloodied bandages spread everywhere in the basement. 'Whats going on here ?' is all they could think of.

They all check the room and all it has is a desk and chair to study and a matres to sleep not even a pillow or blanket. 'How did he make it through the winter ?' was the only thought Enji and Nezu had. Mean while Aizawa's eyes were shadowed by his hair. 

"I am going to kill All-might." he said in a low voice after hearing this Enji's terrified face turned into that of anger. He rushed up to All-might and punched him with his flame fist. The fist connected with small might's jaw and he flew out of the window and landed on the loan and passed out.

Fortunately Nezu stopped Enji from doing more harm. Aizawa was busy sipping his coffee ( where the hell did he get that from ). After hearing the bang Inko came running out of the kitchen only to see an angry Enji being clamed by Nezu, a depressed Aizawa drinking coffee and Toshinori sleeping outside ? 

"What happened here ?" asked a confused Inko. They all looked at her and Nezu said,"Do you know about Izuku Inko ?" "No sir I don't know ?" Enji's quirk activated due to anger. "What should we do Nezu ? Seems like they forgot about him." "Lets wait for Izumi, maybe she knows about her brother." 


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